kinda rare i guess, yellow splotches on leaves?


i've noticed some yellow splotches on most of my plants..wondering if this is harmful..i'm guessing it came from me spraying them with cigarette butt water..i was told it killed fungus gnats..and so far i've seen an amazing decrease of im happy about that, but i was wondering if this would hurt my plants in any way shape or form




jesus christ..i love this site..a response in like 5 minutes...idk if these help..but there ya go..not really many spots..but i like to tackle problems early before they get too bad



Well-Known Member
overwatering and/or spidermites is my guess. what kind of soil are they in?how often are you watering?are you using nutes? if so how much and what type? whats your temperatures? how many hours of light is it getting? how many hours are direct light? they are outside? whats your ph?


Active Member
if there is any way that tobacco got near those plants then its probably mosaic, early stages, if it is mosaic it will develop quickly and there is no cure, look forward to sanitizing your grow from top to bottom


overwatering and/or spidermites is my guess. what kind of soil are they in?how often are you watering?are you using nutes? if so how much and what type? whats your temperatures? how many hours of light is it getting? how many hours are direct light? they are outside? whats your ph?
i used cigarette butts in water to kill the fungus gnats..20 to 30 of them were flying around and i just wasnt going to have that..miracle grow soil, watering when soil is completely dry, no nutes :/, temp usually around 80's sometimes 75, sometimes 85, flowering stage now so 12/12, inside grow, unknown ph..probably 6.8ish to 7

i was told cigarette butt water would not affect the plants in any way, and would kill the killed 90% of the gnats :D..but now i'm worried if this will affect the plants at all..


if there is any way that tobacco got near those plants then its probably mosaic, early stages, if it is mosaic it will develop quickly and there is no cure, look forward to sanitizing your grow from top to bottom
may i ask, what's mosaic?


Well-Known Member
n/m the outside question and direct light questions. when i zoomed in to 4x on the pic it became apparent its inside, my computer is pretty old and blurry w/pics.


lol, the camera i used isn't so good at taking close shots, so its all good..i just don't want my babies dying..i licked my finger and tried to clean these splotches off, they came off almost they arent really harm at all..maybe its just residue..idk..i was hoping for somebody that had experience and knew whats going on..(no sure you know more of what to do than me..this is my first grow, and i'm a total noob)


Well-Known Member
show a pic of the whole plant from top and bottom angles, i need to see more, im curious about which leaves are showing this and if they're is a pattern to it or if its just leaves all over the place more at random than anything.


Well-Known Member
How can I make up a Nicotine pesticide?

How can I make up a Nicotine pesticide?

Contributed by: Funky Smile
Submitted: February 8th, 2005

Get 2-3 Marlboro red ciggies, empty them out in 200ml of water and leave to stand overnight (or 24hrs).

After that the liquid will be brown/black, *boil it for two or three minutes (no more) to kill any possible pathogens and cool it down, even better would be to leave it in the fridge to get really cold (but don’t freeze it).

Once that’s done spray 2-3 times a week. A few drops of liquid detergent or insecticidal soap help to lower the surface tension of the water, making spraying more effective, as instead of droplets, the water forms a film over the plants and bugs.

Wear gloves whenever handling the solution, and a mask whenever spraying it. A Nicotine solution can poison the grower too!

Vegging plants can be dipped in the stuff, BUT DO NOT EVER dip flowering plants into anything!

After all the above .... remove the top layer of soil (till the roots) and check that there are no bugs/eggs under and replace with new soil.

Nicotine is a poison that disables the nervous system of bugs.

Boiling is a must, as it kills the "nicotine virus" – (TMV - Tobacco Mosaic Virus) and cooling will further irritate bugs as they like nice warm conditions.
Added on: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Viewed: 1128 times
were the directions you used have any different or missing steps in it? im betting thats why you had the problem if it really is from the nicotine spray.


wow...that was..explained missed a bunch of those looks like my plants will be fine..

queen kush, could you explain what sponging means?

thanks alot was pre-boiled maybe it may cause harm..but..the leaves seem to be fine..and the yellow splotches seem to just be a film..i don't like touching my plants, i'm afraid i'll break them or bend them or hurt them..but it seems like i can just wipe away this film and it goes away for good..awesome..thanks for all the help :D


lol, interesting containers your using there.......hows the drainage with em?
i had to transplant..and im very i just used milk jugs i washed out with soap and boiled water..cut the tops off, and good to go..i used a knife to punch some holes in the far the drainage has proved to work well..since i transplanted at 4 inches, subject 1 has grown to 8 inches and subjects 2 and 3 have grown to 6-7..they're growing great and growing strong so far..but i havent watered them in about 2 weeks..soo..idk..i probably have about 4 to 5 more days before i gotta water(estimation) but so far so good..

got any other ideas for pots bigger than beer pong cups that dont cost much that can fit in a small cabinet? it was an off the top of the head

(i like to use household items..saves alot of entire grow-op has cost me about $50 all together..thats it..and i like it that way)(ive got a massive amount of support from friends, they like to help me out..speaking of which i need to contact my friend soon..he's got a co2 bottle and a remote system so i can spray down my dad tells me its like steroids to them)


Well-Known Member
really? 2 weeks and 5 days is how long it takes for your soil to get dry enough to need watering? i water when the top 2 or 3 inches feel dry when i stick my finger in the soil. are you sure the drainage is good? i dont see any problem with them being in the cut in half milk jug containers really. i use the plastic 44 oz cups you get from fast food resturants to do sog cfl grows, works fine. i cut small drainage hole in and use em w/no problems.


Well-Known Member
I dont know about the nicotene added to the water when you spray it but reading the mix directions is states to add some detergent. This is what I have always read on how to get rid of the white flies during veg, try leaving out the nicotene and just spray with the mild soap mix with the water. The gnats or flies also probably came out of the MG you have. Spots probably coming from spray with lights on.Good luck with the grow


thats a pretty good idea...

yea 2 weeks so far...i think its just because they were 4 inches..and with that much water in such a huge jug and such small plants, they are slowly chipping away at the wet soil..the top of the soil is STILL wet..hard to believe i know..but, it seems to finally be drying out..i guarantee the drainage is fine..water came pouring out of it when i watered it last time..well, not pouring out..but water came out of the bottom..i did have an overwatering problem of my plants keeled over :/ ill put a pic up..hes special to me, im trying my hardest to heal him back up to health..i've learned my lesson with watering..i did so much research after i saw him nearly's all good now :)



I dont know about the nicotene added to the water when you spray it but reading the mix directions is states to add some detergent. This is what I have always read on how to get rid of the white flies during veg, try leaving out the nicotene and just spray with the mild soap mix with the water. The gnats or flies also probably came out of the MG you have. Good luck with the grow
MG? care to explain?