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I am from CT moving out to Portland OR next year. wewt I cant wait.
Here is my weed biography, FYI it was copied from something else I wrote so it may have odd references or comments. Enjoy :joint::hump:

Well I estimate I started when I was about 9. This may be shocking to some (my mother included) but you keep thinking of it as a crazy drug. Many people have tasted alcohol or even have been drunk by this age. I started early because of the influence of my older step-brothers. I totally did it because I thought it was cool. This is what the “Just Say No” slogan did to me. It made me want to just say yes in rebellion. Although my biological brother continually smoked, he never wanted me to smoke. I’m not sure if he did this so I wouldn’t smoke or because he knew he would get in trouble for it. Never the less, I always found this funny. Around the age of 13 is when I officially stopped. I was in a position that I realized that I didn’t care what people though of me any more and that I really didn’t like the high of marijuana.
This kept me from smoking for a good 9 years or so. I think it was a very good thing that I started smoking at 9 and not in high school because I think it kept me from doing other drugs. Many of my friends experimented with many types of drugs in high school but I just was never interested. I got it all out of my system as a preteen. I have nothing against those who have experimented; I just like the fact that any drugs I have tried were natural. During high school I would occasionally smoke when a friend that moved away would come back to visit but that was maybe once a year. So other then that I stayed clean when most of my peers were not.

Around freshman year of college I started hanging out with a new group of friends that openly smoked. For the 1st two years or so I never smoked but always remained pro marijuana. I just never like the high. Then after some time I started to smoke here and there, then every Thursday. Then when ever we felt like doing it. I realized that it was not what I remembered it to from almost a decade ago.

Up until maybe a year and a half I just smoked to get high. I never really smoke any good weed so I never was able to gain the appreciation it deserved. Once I started to buy it myself I found out that there is more then regs and haze. I found out about strains. The first strain I had was Great White Shark. This was like nothing I had ever smoked, smelt or tasted. This actually smelt and tasted good. For me it was an awakening, an awakening in to a new world, a new world of many, many, many types of marijuana, everything from blueberry to Buddha. As Americans we are all about making money and this is a whole market that is untouched besides dispensaries and criminals. The variety of strains, flavors, smells and tastes rival that of wine and beer. How has America not picked up on this?

So after I found strains my appreciation and interest grew like nothing I have ever researched. I have read more books, web sites and watched more videos on marijuana then on anything else, ever. I learned about the medical benefits and the possibility that hemp can basically provide everything we need to survive. Inside I became an advocate. I haven’t been very involved because of the risk of arrest and harassment. Let alone my job finding out. I go to protests and marches (This Saturday is Million Marijuana March), but I never fell like I have done enough. This is why I have written all this nonsense. I feel I need to lay it all out on the line.

So I did my research and now I love marijuana, but I still hear people putting down marijuana or just being completely ignorant to the truth. This bugs me to no end. I gave up drinking because I thorough it would give me a better leverage when debating with someone that is anti-marijuana but still drinks. I have to say I never really enjoyed drinking much after I started to smoked again, so it was not that hard for me to give up, but I still do drink every now and then. We all know alcohol is far more damaging physically, mentally and socially then marijuana ever will be.

About a year ago I started to smoke just about every day. I feel it helps me live a happier, friendlier and more loving life. I still go to work Monday-Friday. I pay my bills on time and over all my grades haven’t dropped, mainly because I always got bad grades. If anything I find it easier to get work done when I am high. It truly does helps with what the doctors call “ADHD”. It helps me relax and enjoy my life instead of stressing over it. I strive to be as good of a human as I can. This is why I get so upset at how people look at and treat marijuana users. As of today I am still smoking every day and plan to as long as I enjoy it and I can afford it.


Well-Known Member
holy fuck.... that's a long post...... i must admit I did not read a single word of it......but.

Welcome to RIU my friend.........


Active Member
i enjoyed that emensely i read every word of it
and feel the same way different story leading up for me obviously as we are all different but same out come


Active Member
props!same here!people who hate against me smoking is so irritating.i go to school 5 days a week and after school i my days are long and harsh but with smoking i feel my day goes by smoother and its a better day.still i have alot of shity days but smoking goes good with my schedual and it entertains e and passes time by in a good way!.i love weed!


Well-Known Member
Very interesting story i always enjoy hearing what others have to tell concerning how and why they started smoking:) welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. I hope to help as many people here as I can. Knowledge is free and I hope to spread some.


Well-Known Member
Great post. I'm new to RIU. I'm a grown 45 year old "sucessful" female. My Dad still harps on me about my marijuana use. He says it will make me a deadbeat. I've proved him wrong but he still keeps harping.