Kinda nervous to start flowering


Active Member
ok i wanna start flowering but my plants are skinny and tall not short and fat, how concerned should i be about the plant getting to heavy and falling over

wats a good way to support the individual branchs, the main stem is nice and strong but the branches are wat have me concerned


Active Member
If the main stem is strong enough you can use twist ties to sorta hang them onto it.
_ /_|_\_
Branches are the horizontal part stem is vertical. And the \ are twisties.


Active Member
My lights? lol i have a shitty light set up (cant afford the good stuff) but its two 75 watt normal twisted flourecent white, house lights.

And the twisty tie idea is a good idea


Well-Known Member
when u start to flower go out and buy soft white lights because that is what is used for flower and daylight bulbs for veg also go to a garden store and buy a tomato plant cage.