kinda funny story..


Well-Known Member
Dude your mom knows.. or maybe your dad but there is no way your going to get anything to smoke from it reguardless if they really know or not.


Well-Known Member
And if she really truly does not know what she is growing you should probably tell her so she does not get into trouble.


Well-Known Member
dude, look at that plant. you can tell it has been topped or lst'ed or something. cmon guys pot plants dont usually grow all weird like that, they grow like a fucking chrismas tree. whoever is growing this thing knows what they are doing. no question about it. 2nd if they dont know what it is why is it in there room and not in the garden or the front step or whatever?? is it even outside??? tell me where you buy marijuana seeds without knowing they are marijuana seeds?? please enlighten me. Because everywhere i look has a picture of this big pot plant with a big bud and a little percentage which is the thc content. oh and expected yield. you gonna try n tell me your mom bought a plant called purple kush or big bud or something and never new?? BULLSHIT! They know and you are stubborn. you may not want to believe it, but believe it. they are growing weed and they know it.


Well-Known Member
Hah your mom is knowingly growing weed. How old are you kid....obviously too young to realize your parents are stoners.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha OH OH man this is just too funny, im sorry to break it to you lamayoreket they know because i see its been trained and pruned lolz omg hahaha. they will never admit to you its pot out of fear lol. joke with em and ask if you can roll a Joint after harvest hahahaha just kidding.

*just keep silent and act like you dont know and dont care about it. they will not realize how clever you are, harvest some early thats my advise


Well-Known Member
I see other people agree with my opinion. I think she knows what she has. Now that you posted a pic of the plant I'm sure of one thing, Its cannabis.
What you have is an Indica dominate cannabis plant that has been pruned to keep short.
No, you dont dry and smoke the leaf. You change the amount of light it gets to 12 hours a day and it creates flowers. You dry and smoke those.

Maybe someone else slipped her the seed as a joke IDK

How about this, start a conversation and ask her if she ever smoked weed when she was younger. Get her reaction. Be honest, tell her what you think.
Or, take the thing, tell her it died and go plant it up in the hills. Come fall you may just have what you want.


Well-Known Member
perhaps there is more than one plant. If this is the case maybe she really doesnt know. Most of us know plants need more room than that to grow. Still doesnt explain where you just stumble across pot seeds. Unless you are somewhere that they sell pot seeds in waql-mart, then there are only 3 different ways to get your hands on marijuana seeds. Seed banks/dispensaries, hermies or pollinated females, or from your own damn bag. In my experience you dont come across any of these "by accident". The accident is that you got seeds in your weed. like dude, seriously?? are u that gullable?


I kinda think that it's not pruned. There's few little plants growing in 1 pot. I may be wrong aswell. It depends on his parents to speak about it or not.


New Member
lol...funny comments..
i want to clarify something-my mom trully and really does not know that this is cannabis seeds. she even think that cannabis is bad and all that shit and my father the same.. i must say that it is kinda funny.. lol
i have a Feeling that im going to remember that for years..


New Member
fuck..u r right..iv just asked my mom where did she bought it and she told me that she got it from a freind..i asked her what is the name of the planet and she said "geranium"
after 1 sec and search in google i saw that geranium is way different..i told her that and she started confusing and "just rememberd that she found those seeds in some garden.." fuck my mom is a lier..but im kinda afraid about it..what if the police arrest her or something? fuckk my father is a lier too... shitttttttt


Well-Known Member
thats what they want you to believe. cant even count the number of times my dad would come and take my weed and tell me its bad. The funny thing was he never knew that i stole that weed from him. What a dumb ass right??? one time he did find outt i had his weed and he tryed to tell me that he planted it in his room so i would steal it and he would catch me. HA! like come one dad, it was in your safe that you left unlocked idiot


Well-Known Member
fuck..u r right..iv just asked my mom where did she bought it and she told me that she got it from a freind..i asked her what is the name of the planet and she said "geranium"
after 1 sec and search in google i saw that geranium is way different..i told her that and she started confusing and "just rememberd that she found those seeds in some garden.." fuck my mom is a lier..but im kinda afraid about it..what if the police arrest her or something? fuckk my father is a lier too... shitttttttt
ahahahahahahahahahaha your mom thinks your dumb wait till u see a bud and pull it off...keep doing this and make her keep wondering why the damn thing never buds


New Member
haha lol..
but i think i drove my mom to grow the planet coz she had eyes problems and "glaucoma" and i just told her that cannabis can help. but i have never thought that she actually gonna buy some seeds lol..she kept telling me how its bad and stuff..haha funny parents..


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Staff member
fuck..u r right..iv just asked my mom where did she bought it and she told me that she got it from a freind..i asked her what is the name of the planet and she said "geranium"
after 1 sec and search in google i saw that geranium is way different..i told her that and she started confusing and "just rememberd that she found those seeds in some garden.." fuck my mom is a lier..but im kinda afraid about it..what if the police arrest her or something? fuckk my father is a lier too... shitttttttt
Perhaps they think you too young and immature to handle the fact that they enjoy being stoned?
How old are you anyway?