Killing spider mites between grows


Active Member
I just finished my first grow and I had mites. They came with the plants I bought. So what is the best way to make sure they are gone for good? I'm planning to clean out the room and set off a bug bomb of some kind. What should I use? Will it kill the eggs or do I need to bomb every couple days? If so how long do I need to keep bombing? I've tried searching but all I can find is info about fighting them while the plants are still growing.


Active Member
Get your room under 65 degrees to slow down there breeding cycle to over a week the bomb 3 times 4 days apart. I have recently discovered Floromite SC. Its the shit. One time aplication work for weeks! just don't spray your buds with it after week 2 of flower.


Well-Known Member
How to clean your grow room after harvesting?

Contributed by:
Submitted: October 15th, 2004
Bug-bomb the room

>In-between grows, and after the room is 100% cleaned, unplug all electrical equipment and unleash a roach bomb. Flea bombs are ok too.

Evacuate the room for at least 2hrs and then put on the intakes and exhausts at full throttle for several hours. Then put in your fresh new clones and start the run again. Make 100% that any mother grow is sealed off from the bomb or you'll have them suffer, the bombs are phytotoxic.

As for the insect spray leaving a film - it's safe. I only remove the hoods and lamps as mist directed upwards would coat them. Anyway, I do it in-between crops every time -- even if no mites are seen. It's a preventative measure. The trick is to remove or cover up any plants. Not a drama when it's done inter-crop.
Dealing with waste

>Best way to deal with organic waste is to compost it, even if that means bury it in fertile active worm populated soil. It is the 100% stealth method. No one will ever know and it will improve your soil.

Never throw MJ roots in the bin because that's a danger to LEO.
Keeping your garden safe from external pests

>Rely on quarantine. Never go into a grow after having been outside pulling the weeds. Shower and put on some fresh clothes. Prevention is better than cure.

If you have to introduce new clone plants that are suspect, then cut a plastic milk bottle in half and sheep dip them upside down in a solution of AVID with an approved hort wetting agent, such as Agri-Soak 2, or WetterWater. Then mother-plant them to provide clean stock to run grow after grow.

Bleach btw best works to reduce the spore expression load from outbreaks of botrytis (bud rot) and pythium (root rot). If you've had a bad outbreak of that or a reoccurring problem, then swab down the walls and floors and wipe down the system, as well as run a rez with bleach. Dump, rinse and then set up the new run.

Remember, mites will over winter (go dormant) in the cold months, so bringing in anything from the outdoors to the inside grow without a thorough clean could potentially unleash a fury of mites. I'm talking common outdoor items like a watering can, old pots, pieces of timber, bricks ect. Clean 'em before you bring indoors.


Active Member
How to clean your grow room after harvesting?

Contributed by: Erliquin
Submitted: October 15th, 2004

Bug-bomb the room

>In-between grows, and after the room is 100% cleaned, unplug all electrical equipment and unleash a roach bomb. Flea bombs are ok too.

Evacuate the room for at least 2hrs and then put on the intakes and exhausts at full throttle for several hours. Then put in your fresh new clones and start the run again. Make 100% that any mother grow is sealed off from the bomb or you'll have them suffer, the bombs are phytotoxic.

As for the insect spray leaving a film - it's safe. I only remove the hoods and lamps as mist directed upwards would coat them. Anyway, I do it in-between crops every time -- even if no mites are seen. It's a preventative measure. The trick is to remove or cover up any plants. Not a drama when it's done inter-crop.

Dealing with waste

>Best way to deal with organic waste is to compost it, even if that means bury it in fertile active worm populated soil. It is the 100% stealth method. No one will ever know and it will improve your soil.

Never throw MJ roots in the bin because that's a danger to LEO.

Keeping your garden safe from external pests

>Rely on quarantine. Never go into a grow after having been outside pulling the weeds. Shower and put on some fresh clothes. Prevention is better than cure.

If you have to introduce new clone plants that are suspect, then cut a plastic milk bottle in half and sheep dip them upside down in a solution of AVID with an approved hort wetting agent, such as Agri-Soak 2, or WetterWater. Then mother-plant them to provide clean stock to run grow after grow.

Bleach btw best works to reduce the spore expression load from outbreaks of botrytis (bud rot) and pythium (root rot). If you've had a bad outbreak of that or a reoccurring problem, then swab down the walls and floors and wipe down the system, as well as run a rez with bleach. Dump, rinse and then set up the new run.
Remember, mites will over winter (go dormant) in the cold months, so bringing in anything from the outdoors to the inside grow without a thorough clean could potentially unleash a fury of mites. I'm talking common outdoor items like a watering can, old pots, pieces of timber, bricks ect. Clean 'em before you bring indoors.
Thanks for the post. So will a good roach or flee bomb kill the eggs or do I have to keep bombing for a few days? I will be cleaning everything with bleach also. I want to get another grow going as soon as possible. I should be able to get some Green Crack clones tomorrow but I want to make sure the mites are gone.

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post. So will a good roach or flee bomb kill the eggs or do I have to keep bombing for a few days? I will be cleaning everything with bleach also. I want to get another grow going as soon as possible. I should be able to get some Green Crack clones tomorrow but I want to make sure the mites are gone.

Roach bombs are not the best. Look for doktor doom it targets spider mites most hydro stores and some flower and garden store 10--12 dollars a bomb and worth it two bombs at 5 days apart then use rubbing alcohol mixed at 1 to 3 ratio to spray or wipe the walls down and floor if tiled or cement vacume the carpet with a good shop vac