killing my plant


Yesterday i found out i have to go to jail :shock:

awesome right?

but thats not the best part, because i wont be able to take care of my first plant ever i have to kill it :cry:. i just put it on 12/12 three days ago too. i would post up a pic but for some reason my camera is working. idk and i really dont give a fuck enough to figure out what the problem is.

im going for violation of probation and possession of marijuana 0 to 2 ounces. (they busted me with a quad of orange kush) which is probably the weakest thing to go to jail for

so for awhile ill be in Bexar county jail here in Texas which is filled to its brim and full of a lot mexicans who dont give a fuck about anything. :o

should be a fuckin blast!

everyone smoke a joint, blunt, bong, pipe, vaporizer, etc... for me! i know im getting fuckin blazed this weekend because its gonna be my last chance to get high for awhile :joint: :joint: :joint:

im plan on buying some autoflowers when im out so at least i have something to look forward to!

:weed: one love motherfuckers


i was thinkin about it. i live out in the country and it would be really easy.

but id have to put it on someones land because obviously i wouldnt want it next to my place and i dont want anyone to get in trouble because of me.

thatd be a real dick move lol


Well-Known Member
fuck jail....that sucks on thin ice violation and im jail bound...fuckin sucks. is your state medical? donate it to a patient

how long are you gone for?


Active Member
that's rough mate. ill definitely burn some for you. i forget how bad some other states deal with cannabis. good luck bro.


smokey: nah man i live in texas. my advice is dont fuck up like i did lmao. they gave me three chances and i fucked them all up

sirwolf: thanks man! ill need a bunch of luck lol. i feel like throwing up just thinking about it


oh and ill be gone for 6 months but im sure they will give me 3 for 1 (3 days for every 1 day served)

so inconvenient and retarded


Well-Known Member
keep to yourself, dont piss people off unnecessarily, if someone tries shit dont just hold ur ground................go hard. pen is shit, even shittier seein as u gotta kill ur plant, sometimes its just the way life is.


yeah man i just gonna play it cool. i just dont want any added time

had a badass weekend though, had some pot of gold all weekend, ate a cannacookie, and ate some roasted pig and got drunk!

im good to go to go now! lol
no but really, shit sucks

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Damn dude, I'll burn some for ya.. but like someone said before, do more then hold your ground if you have too. I been there, shit isn't fun. but 6 months, you'll be alright. And just think when you get out you will have zero tolerence and one hit will have you feeling like a virgin to maryjane again. Haha. I think penalties against the use of a drug should not be more damaging then the drug itself, and where it is it should be changed


yeah dude 6 months is nothing compared to what some people have to do and for that im grateful.

but i couldve avoid this solution i was just too busy doing everything but taking care of what i needed to.

i cant wait for my tolerance to go down though! appreciate to good words


smokey: nah man i live in texas. my advice is dont fuck up like i did lmao. they gave me three chances and i fucked them all up

sirwolf: thanks man! ill need a bunch of luck lol. i feel like throwing up just thinking about it
they gave you three chances and you kept f-ing up. Not to be a dick but how many chances should you get? If you didn't want to go to jail you should of thought about that before messing up three times. Maybe being in jail will help you in learning how its best not to fuck up on probation once let alone three times. Thats just my two cents. Good luck in jail learn from it so it doesn't happen again.


you dont see me complaining about it. just saying how much it sucks. i never said i deserved even 1 chance.

maybe being in jail is going to let me think about how dumb it is to be arrested for weed and how im going to have to miss a semester of horticulture school.

we probably just have a different outlook on things, i didnt feel like a needed to be on probation for possessing less than two ounces of weed which is why i said fuck probation.

i go in tomorrow, next time i blink ill be out.

smoke some weed, live some life, smoke some more weed


you dont see me complaining about it. just saying how much it sucks. i never said i deserved even 1 chance.

maybe being in jail is going to let me think about how dumb it is to be arrested for weed and how im going to have to miss a semester of horticulture school.

we probably just have a different outlook on things, i didnt feel like a needed to be on probation for possessing less than two ounces of weed which is why i said fuck probation.

i go in tomorrow, next time i blink ill be out.

smoke some weed, live some life, smoke some more weed
I smoke some weed for you too. Hope to talk to you when you are out from the slammer. Life sucks...this system sucks...we can't do shit about it.