Killer Bee


Well-Known Member
omg ... we had some bees in an abandoned house with were AT LEAST 2 inches long and 1 inch wide .. no lie .. they were HUGE! and they were swarming


New Member
I have horse flys nearly as big as you describe that be being, maybe it's a horsefly, If it is a bee, he can only sting you once.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've heard if they bite, it hurts like hell. Here's a sample from a webpage about it.....HORSE FLIES CAN PUT BITE ON HORSES, CATTLE AND PEOPLE
By Lee Townsend

Horse flies are large, robust flies that range from 3/4" to over 1-1/4" long. They are strong fliers that can move long distances from their breeding sites. Horse fly eggs are laid in batches of up 1,000 on vegetation in marshy areas or along streams. The larvae are aquatic or semiaquatic and may take 2 to 3 years to reach the adult stage.
Horse flies inflict painful bites and can make animals miserable and difficult to work or handle. The flies only stay on animals long enough to feed. Females slash the skin with their broad, blade-like mouthparts, then lap up the blood that wells up from the wound. Work recorded in a USDA bulletin estimated that horse flies would consume 1 cc of blood for their meal, and that 20 to 30 flies feeding for 6 hours would take 20 teaspoons. This would amount to a quart in 10 days. While horse flies are rarely present in these numbers in Kentucky, only a few determined flies can cause animals to run wildly to escape attack.
A combination of factors, including movement, silhouette or color, CO2 and/or odor attract horse flies to animals. While repellents or insecticidal sprays may provide some temporary relief or protection, the flies still locate the animals and attempt to feed. Fly pressure remains constant and the flies will resume feeding as soon as the material reaches a tolerable level on the animal. Reapply treatments as necessary and provide some shelter that the animal can enter if possible.
omg its def a black horsefly it looks a lil bigger than the one on the right of the 2 shown