Well-Known Member
A couple of things jack!! One... we ARE at the top of the food chain but were also supposed to be intelligent. Two.. 40 hens equals a lot of work AND a lot of gold in the form of chicken crap. Had a dozen Reds a few years ago and they were a lot of work to keep watered and it cost a bunch to build a coop and buy lights, watering set-up and feed. Just was not worth it except for the laughs. The last time I tried layers I ended up with 9 Roosters and as you know they can be an angry and aggressive bird. The Neighbors kid used to poke them with stick thru the wire and when I thru the roosters out of the coop they remembered that kid. If you want to see sumpin funny watch a kid run screaming from a red-eyed rooster hot on his tail.
In closing I was laying on my back in the woods yesterday stoned as a rat and had a Scarlet Tanager entertain me in the canopy. I have only ever seen a couple of them so it was a banner day. Also bagged a cedar waxwing and a great crested fly catcher. Simple minds ....
Damm if I wouldn't like a couple of truckloads of chicken chit for the compost heap. Sigh.
In closing I was laying on my back in the woods yesterday stoned as a rat and had a Scarlet Tanager entertain me in the canopy. I have only ever seen a couple of them so it was a banner day. Also bagged a cedar waxwing and a great crested fly catcher. Simple minds ....

Damm if I wouldn't like a couple of truckloads of chicken chit for the compost heap. Sigh.