KillaWatt Yield

just order pack of seedism killawatt seeds. all it says is HIGH yield..can anyone give me an ESTIMATE on the gr's? growing 2-3 plants with 150W mh and 4 60W cfl side lighting, hopfully have a 250W hps by flowering time.


Well-Known Member
nah, too many variables dude. If you post pics here at like 7-8 wks flowering, people might be able to give you an estimate of an individual plant, but even then it's very approximate. The yields listed on the breeder sites are always under OPTIMUM conditions. Very unlikely to achieve those yields. If this is your first time growing or growing this strain, I'd say just focus on making it the best you can and it will turn out awesome regardless of weights and such. good luck


Well-Known Member
just order pack of seedism killawatt seeds. all it says is HIGH yield..can anyone give me an ESTIMATE on the gr's? growing 2-3 plants with 150W mh and 4 60W cfl side lighting, hopfully have a 250W hps by flowering time.
Let me look into my Crystal Ball...

One sec...

Wait, Wait... I know your final yield!! ..

112.7 grams


Well-Known Member
Hi JustLegalizeIt

With three Killa-Watt plants it is best to veg them for about three weeks, top them and veg them another twoo-three weeks.

Train the branches so they all get similar amounts of light, air etc., and try to keep the MH light as close to the plants as possible to prevent stretching.

you could easily get a few ounces per plant this way, even more if the plants grow healthy and bushy, but hard to promise yields.

If you can utilize all the light/lumes and provide enough air/co2 than you should be able to harvest up to 250-ish grams, 1 gr/watt.

Good luck, i will follow your grow and help out whenever i can.



i have 3 killa watt ladies in the 8th week of flower, its my 1st grow i let them veg for 5 weeks and hav'nt trimmed or topped them (i just let them go naturaly) iv had them under 600w hps all the way through. they seem to have quite a bit bud on but i have no idea how much il yield, the plants are short only about 2 1/2 foot tall but are quite bushy il put sum pics on as soon as i find my camera lead lol gl