kill or not to kill

has anyone ever seen this? ive been growing a couple of diff plants, and one of them suddenly started growing this little cheeky thing a few days later, i only planted one seed in the pot, is it possible it was in the soil or something, im using starter mix (plagron) is it anything to worry about? or does anyone know what it might be?



Misguided Angel
Happens to me from time to time, there was something in your soil. Just pull it out before it starts to root too much.
could you look at a couple other pics rocpile im trying to get some feedback to make sure i dont fk up my first grow there 15 day old now


Well-Known Member
Your doing good man keep it up...... just pluck that lil clover its fine..... If your just being impatient try some LST to take up some time to keep you busy
I got 2x blue widow 2x blueberry gum 1x blueberry 1x ak48
they are 14 days old today (from sprouting 16day from seed)
all are 5 1/2 -6 in tall apart from ak48 which is 5in tall
using 4 cfl lights that total 200w ( i have two 600w hps when required) 24 h light cycle.
they are sitting in starter mix (plagron) with all the n-p-k requirements.
I have watered (just water) 200ml twice since planting seed (waited for quite dry surface each time)
I would appreciate any comments and advise you could give.

