kill all dangerous dogs

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ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
50 - 100 people die from bee stings yet 40 000 are allergic to bee stings

36 000 die from flu ...............mostly old age pensioners and weak imune people

40 000 die in car accidents out of aproxx 62 million cars in the US


ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i sometimes wish we were alowed guns in uk , coz id shoot any fookin dog that ran towards me or my family , same as any cat reptile rhino etc


Well-Known Member
You sir, are the definition of ignorant.
Guys, you can't argue with stupid, they see no logic.
No sense of fact vs opinion, understanding of probability as well apparently. Skunk&sativa are the type of people I hate every time I take my PITBULL to the dog park an let her OFF her leash to play with ROTTS, CHIHUAHUAS, DOBIES, AND HUSKIES !
Many times having been there I've only had a couple "accidents". One she caught a squirrel without causing it harm in any way which I can't blame her, never had seen one and she has a strong prey drive.
Other a husky attacked my room mates pit so she flipped the dog on it's back and pinned it down to save her comrade. No blood no injuries, just quite the scene. Husky owners apologized as some lady took the liberty to blame my pit an start shouting at us lol.


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Well-Known Member
You sir, are the definition of ignorant.
Guys, you can't argue with stupid, they see no logic.
No sense of fact vs opinion, understanding of probability as well apparently. Skunk&sativa are the type of people I hate every time I take my PITBULL to the dog park an let her OFF her leash to play with ROTTS, CHIHUAHUAS, DOBIES, AND HUSKIES !
Many times having been there I've only had a couple "accidents".
One my pit saw a squirrel poor gal hadn't seen one before and chased it (insane prey drive) it climbed a young tree, she body slammed the tree and out it fell. Tried going back up she knocked it back down. I catch her tell her to let go an guess what? She was simply holding it she had no blood on her, in or around her mouth, nothing. Same with he squirrel. The squirrel ran off, admittedly with a small heart attack. I still feel bad for that one although no harm done.
Second, my pit an my buddies were at the park his pit wandered off an mine was playing fetch. A husky started getting frisky with my buddies pit an then started trying to attack him. He's a tiny pit maybe 55#s an huskys are tall much heavier, not gonna lie this pits a bit of a dumb ass too. Anyways he freaks out an locks his jaw on the husky's neck scruff an the husky starts running, blue is literally hanging and being dragged by this husky. At this moment my pit notices and darts off that way, tackles the husky, gets it on it's back, pins it down, she bares her teeth starts growling an scratching at it's stomach, SCRATCHING as in with her paws. then we arrive I tell her to get the fuck off and she stops. Some lady starts yelling at me talking shit saying the dogs and us are a menace the whole 9 yards. Then the husky owners cut her off and apologize a million times over for THEIR HUSKY ATTACKING one of our pits. Now sativa&skunk. Explain to my why my vicious pitbull didn't kill us all or at least the husky while in a pack mind set, riled up, and on top, more than able to do so?

his pit your pit my pit , tiny pit , husky this husky that

cool story bro, but i feel there is not enough pit , and way too much husky
i think i got lost in the subplot too


Well-Known Member
his pit your pit my pit , tiny pit , husky this husky that

cool story bro, but i feel there is not enough pit , and way too much husky
i think i got lost in the subplot too
You did get lost. Sorry though, was (am actually) on my phone. Can't go up to read without a disaster on this thing.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
you keep your dangerous breed , but let this be clear if it ever ecapes from its prison , ill be the first in line to end its life


Well-Known Member
you keep your dangerous breed , but let this be clear if it ever ecapes from its prison , ill be the first in line to end its life
Are you so fucking stupid that you think we would let any of our pits get out of control, bite someone and then get put down? We love our dogs and by the sounds of it many have been trained and socialised. Education is key which sadly you don't possess an iota of.

If you came at my dog he'd do nothing, however my bf and I would end you, even in front of your children.

You mention family? I'd spend more time concentrating on your kids local comprehensive education if I were you. There doesn't seem to be a very high level in your part of the UK.

Lastly, you make me embarrassed to be British and I'm glad I left the UK to escape narrow minded working class retards such as yourself.
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