Just make sure you throw WHATEVER material you use in the oven spread thinnly on a cookie sheet at 200°F for 20-30mins before you do anything with it to decarboxilate it and get the THC activated.
That's a real good way to lose all the terpenes and esters. Sealed foil wrap double thick in cool oven set for 250F. Temp probe in the center of the pot to make sure it all gets heated properly. Once centre hits 250 then 45 min is the way I roll to do an oz and you can't smell hardly a thing standing next to the oven. Leave in oven 'til cool enough to handle easily before opening so terps don't condense on the rapidly cooling foil if taken out hot.
The temp probe on that multimeter can measure up to 1000F or C. Can't recall and can't find the manual atm. Test capacitors, transistors, follow wires thru the walls, detect IR and a lot of things I haven't figured out yet lol. $36 on Amazon with free delivery.
Your decarb method should do the job but that wonderful smell in your house is medicine being baked away. For pot infused oils you can decarb right in the oil as you're making it so the terpenes dissolve into the oil and almost zero is lost. Very little smell making the cocobudder up to 260F.
If making RSO it's best to decarb the extracted oil in a jar in the oven with lid on at 250 for 30 min. Should see it bubble as it decarbs but don't wait 'til the last. Take out when still barely bubbling.
New science is coming out that the inactive cannabinoids are better medicine for edibles and where THC is concerned that would be great cause then you could take much higher doses without getting so fugged up. lol
My fave now is making budders with pot fresh off the plant so bugger all trimming and you can freeze it to do later. My poor arthritic hands love it!