Kids And Marijuana


Well-Known Member
my son is 12. i have never hidden any of it from him. at this point he has absolutely no interest. he kinda teases me about being a stoner. he is more educated then my parents. i believe that if i don't hide it from him he won't hide it from me. i would rather him ask me for help then some kid on the playground. and who knows more about weed then his father?
I had to bump this up, Fdd, your kids 16 now, or abouts, whats the status on that? Wondering as a parent, it won't be coming up for many years, my little girls only 4, but it will eventually. Might as well start doing my homework now. :)

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...this is a question that is always on my mind. I've seen a few people who had open families in this way and the kids turned out okay. Mostly uninterested. However, I can see downsides as well. But as a positive example it was never hidden from my niece (wife's side) and at 15 now she's no more 'nutty' than any other 15 year old I've seen. That says a lot, 15 year olds are nuts! :)


Well-Known Member
well, when I was in High School There was a kid who was a sophomore at the time, his parents had an open thing with him, and for each A he had on a report card the bought him an oz. Kid was a straight A student. So despite the stigma, I know it doesn't mess kids up.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
well, when I was in High School There was a kid who was a sophomore at the time, his parents had an open thing with him, and for each A he had on a report card the bought him an oz. Kid was a straight A student. So despite the stigma, I know it doesn't mess kids up. of my best friends lived about 4 doors down. In high school I remember his dad throwing a quarter on the table before leaving for work on a sunday night. He said he felt bad because we looked so bored. That night we made a makeshift pipe out of an apple juice container. say the least.

The oz. for grades scenario is pretty good!


Well-Known Member
Seriously! If I bust my girl smoking pot in high school, you bet your ass I'll be thinking about instating that system. If my parents had made me that offer, I would have done my damn homework.


Well-Known Member
I had to bump this up, Fdd, your kids 16 now, or abouts, whats the status on that? Wondering as a parent, it won't be coming up for many years, my little girls only 4, but it will eventually. Might as well start doing my homework now. :)
he has never been in any trouble. he has no interest in even trying pot. he's grown up around it his whole life so the whole "taboo" side of it never even existed for him. as kids we often do things simply to defy authority. he didn't go thru any of that. his grades are good, his teachers love him, he's been playing the guitar for 3 years now, goes to the gym 5 days a week and mows the lawn once a week. he gets a little moody sometimes, but most teenagers do. all-in-all, i'm rather proud of him. :)


Well-Known Member
Yep. Would have given me motivation. I'll have to see how it plays out though. Her mom's straight as straight gets, and me...well...fuck, look where I'm yea, she's got a 50/50 chance, I figure of going either way. *in darth vader voice* "Come to the green side, my child...." †L†


Well-Known Member
he has never been in any trouble. he has no interest in even trying pot. he's grown up around it his whole life so the whole "taboo" side of it never even existed for him. as kids we often do things simply to defy authority. he didn't go thru any of that. his grades are good, his teachers love him, he's been playing the guitar for 3 years now, goes to the gym 5 days a week and mows the lawn once a week. he gets a little moody sometimes, but most teenagers do. all-in-all, i'm rather proud of him. :)
Hell yea, sounds like you got lucky. I didn't start to defy. I was 11, and my mother was a psychopath. At that point I literally lost the will to eat. My godbrother/best friend at the time took me to a field with a 20 bag and a pipe, said "I didn't want to talk to you about this till you were older, but I really think I have something that could help you..." And it sure as hell did.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...I've always disliked the stigma. when I was...oh, I don't know, maybe 7 I remember getting in trouble for not taking the garbage with me on the way out of the house. my dad had just asked prior to me tying my shoe laces. I walked around the bag when I walked out...didn't flinch. If I did that now, much older than that, I'd look quite forgetful. Go figure.


Active Member
Well in my opinion, when I was a kid and only got to know about it from hardcore stereotypes and thought it was as evil as coke or meth,
Once i grew up around the age of 15-18 i learned more bt it, saw how its done and thought its some unprocessed herb unlike cigarettes,
so i will tell them the the truth behind it while there maturing and also advice them to try it once there mature and treat it like any herbal medication. you tell one lie and you have to use another 1000 lies to cover it, so thats wrong, just out with the honest opinion.


Well-Known Member
Well in my opinion, when I was a kid and only got to know about it from hardcore stereotypes and thought it was as evil as coke or meth,
Once i grew up around the age of 15-18 i learned more bt it, saw how its done and thought its some unprocessed herb unlike cigarettes,
so i will tell them the the truth behind it while there maturing and also advice them to try it once there mature and treat it like any herbal medication. you tell one lie and you have to use another 1000 lies to cover it, so thats wrong, just out with the honest opinion.
I agree. Most of us don't believe cops for shit because they've been lying to us since we can remember. I remember in 5th grade, the D.A.R.E. program, the pig tried to tell us, "I don't care what doctors say, MJ is chemically addictive, I've seen it." And right then, I remember thinking, "Wait, seriously, your a cop, and your telling me I'm supposed to take your word over a qualified medical professional on something like this?! Is this asshole for real?!" I had just started smoking pot the summer before this. Learned quickly pigs will lie out their ass, then have the goddamn gall to morally judge others like their fucking saints.

†L† sorry, went off on a tangent there.