Well-Known Member
Oh cool, is that from the Quran?
I don't know where he got his radical beliefs.
You seem to be trying to make me paint myself into a corner. And yet I'm outside.
Oh cool, is that from the Quran?
No, just trying to find out what the fuck you're talking about.I don't know where he got his radical beliefs.
You seem to be trying to make me paint myself into a corner. And yet I'm outside.
No, just trying to find out what the fuck you're talking about.
So you're saying that he believes that Allah will reward him for killing Americans on 9-11 but you don't know why you think he believes that.
Don't be such a chickenshit, just let your idiotic ideas flow.
Chickenshit I am not, sir.
You tried to bait me. I saw right through it. And you're calling me an idiot?
I though will forgiver you sir. I never hold grudges. When you are ready to once again engage me in honest debate without name-calling, I'll indulge.
So why do you think that he believes that Allah will reward him for killing Americans on 9-11?
This is serious stuff Rob, jet fuel can't melt steel beams!
The Quran speaks of "killing the infidels", or the very like, unless I'm very mistaken.
I don't know where he got his radical beliefs.
You seem to be trying to make me paint myself into a corner. And yet I'm outside.
Having said that, how are we to know for sure he was the architect of 9/11? Because he says he is?.. How much intel do we dismiss on that basis daily? Gigs I'm guessing.. so why do we simply take his (and by proxy, the US gov's) word for it?
Heres a quick explaination of Islam for you .
If an extremist read the quaran in its true form , then followed its revelations to the letter he has no choice but to act with violence against the Kaafir , the labels Infidel , Kaafir & Kuffer represent 3 different groups of people in the quran with the Kaafir being the most loathed because he has been given the words of Islam , he understands the laws of Islam & he rejects Islam , another person who is a Kaafir is anybody who has taken up arms against Islam ,Kaafirs have no chance to repent & are supposed to be killed immediately, Infidels are non believers & are given 3 days to reflect on their blasphemy before death or imprisonment occurs, a Kuffer is a Jew , a Christian or anybody who believes in the holy trinity , infact over 60% of the quran speaks about how a muslim should deal with or interact with non believers of Islam ,early revelations in the quran speak of peace & acceptance of jews & christians while later revelations speak of shunning & violence twords the Kaafir , well thats great because all the people who swear Islam is a peacefull religion conveniently leave out one very important issue which is Abrogation .
Abrogation is the interpretation of conflicting verses in the quran where one verse seeks the approval & acceptance of the jews & christians while another verse condems the jews & christians then urges war against them , Abrogation rules that the verse laid out 1st chronologically ( Not as laid out in the qurans non linear form ) will be cancelled out by any chronologically later verses covering the same subject .
In the chronological timeline of the quran Mohammad calls for peace with other religions in the beginning , the further along chronologically the more violent Mohammad becomes when explaining on how to interact with Kaafirs , Infidels & Kuufers , the quran is a non linear book with its chapters laid out in non linear form & follows no real timeline .
The quran is a long confusing read because its out of chronological time frame & talks about situations & the same people dozens of times , i think Moses is covered like 20 times & saying the same stuff each time he's spoken about, if you want to understand the quran you can buy a condensed version which deletes the hundreds of pages speaking about the same people like Moses & Pharrow , it also puts the quran in a linear chronological time line making it much easier to understand Mohammeds words in how Muslims are urged to interact with all 3 groups of undesirables spoken of in the quran .
The most important thing when buying a quran is to buy a revised version which puts chapters & verses in their true chronological order , read that then you can argue Islam with these guys till the cows come home .
There is an inkling of doubt, wriggling in the mind of the critics. Its presence brings curiosity. If left it will grow and prosper by wonder. If indulged it will cause progress, then strengthen its host to their very soul.There is a worm of doubt, wriggling in the mind of the unconscious. Its presence brings anxiety. If left it will whither and be consumed by unconsciousness. If indulged it will cause infection, then sicken its host to their very soul.
So you think that the Quran says something about killing infidels, but you're not sure, hence your assertion that someone believes that Allah will reward him for killing Americans on 9-11.
Is that also why you like me so much?
Where?Koran says death to unbelievers, unless they pay and convert.
Koran says death to unbelievers, unless they pay and convert.
I've done it on multiple occasions.Where?
Please quote a specific verse or verses that says this.
Nobody is coddling up to Islam. I'm an atheist.I've done it on multiple occasions.
All religion is equally reprehensible, I don't see why coddling up to one of the most violent is so en vogue.
Koran 9:29 is a good example tho.
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
This verse refers specifically to the Battle of Badr, in which 300 Muslims faced 1,000 pagans who had chased them from Makkah to Madina and were intending to annihilate them. Apparently however, they were less merciful toward their polytheistic oppressors than toward the Christian army to whom 9:29 referred. That is only apparently, most of the pagans became Muslims quite willingly and were spared.8:12 too...
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
IAnd what about 9:5?
- "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."