Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

First, that doesn't make emissions symptomatic.

Secondly, deforestation also increases the ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Thirdly, you're dumb as fuck.
So emissions aren't symptomatic of burning carbon based fuels?

Honestly, it's no wonder the military was the only option for you.

AND now you're permanently on the dole...

Thanks for your contributions to the human race.
Lol. Classic.

Emissions are not a symptom of global warming you mouth breathing fucktard. They are the primary cause.
Ok step by step for you...

1. Humants needz energy
2. Humants burnz carbon fuel
3. Carbon Dioxides go up into the sky
4. Exaggerate natural warming/cooling cycle and generally fuck with the planet

1+2 are the cause, 3 is the symptom and 4 is the result.

Simples enough?
Ok step by step for you...

1. Humants needz energy
2. Humants burnz carbon fuel
3. Carbon Dioxides go up into the sky
4. Exaggerate natural warming/cooling cycle and generally fuck with the planet

1+2 are the cause, 3 is the symptom and 4 is the result.

Simples enough?
Emissions are not symptoms of global warming. Emissions are the primary cause of global warming.

Go back and read the thread dumbass.
Emissions are not symptoms of global warming. Emissions are the primary cause of global warming.

Go back and read the thread dumbass.
How about you read my posts before you reply to them?

Obviously the step by step w/ crayons helped tho, it's good to have found a way to communicate with you on your level.
How about you read my posts before you reply to them?

Obviously the step by step w/ crayons helped tho, it's good to have found a way to communicate with you on your level.
I'm not the one calling CO2 emissions a symptom of global warming.

Nobody expected you to be smart though, what with your height being less than most children.
I said CO2 emissions are a symptom of our dependence on carbon based fuels.

Lern 2 reed.
Well, you don't even agree with the vast majority of climate scientists.

Just to clarify for you though, CO2 emissions are not symptoms of global warming. CO2 emissions are the primary cause of global warming.
What happens if you think climate change is an exaggerated natural cycle but support efforts to change to sustainable, clean energy regardless?

Are you still considered an Apostate?
Apologies, I have some super nice weed and misused Apostate for Pariah.

Again, with climate change we mostly agree, I just dont think you need to screw the minimum wage dudes earning $360 a week and having to pay $100 on fuel to get there.

Maybe if the Govt cut the bullshit boondoggles and used that money investing in education and the National Labs, we could get some real research done.

Will be interesting to see the ITER Report in Nov, see how we're getting along there.

interesting conspiracy theories.

you think that climate change is just a "natural cycle" (despite CO2 now being at 400 PPM, which has not happened in 800,000 years), that politicians are lobbying to make gas ultra expensive (even though it is a finite resource and that will happen regardless of what politicians do), ad that there hasn't been any "real research" done.

three dyed in the wool denier talking points tat are merely conspiracy theories with no basis in reality.

tiny, tiny little retarded person.
Apologies, I have some super nice weed and misused Apostate for Pariah.

Again, with climate change we mostly agree, I just dont think you need to screw the minimum wage dudes earning $360 a week and having to pay $100 on fuel to get there.

Maybe if the Govt cut the bullshit boondoggles and used that money investing in education and the National Labs, we could get some real research done.

Will be interesting to see the ITER Report in Nov, see how we're getting along there.
You'll be pleased to know I'm hard at work in a national lab.
Emitting CO2 in such quantities is the cause, not the symptom

Transitioning into renewables won't affect middle/lower classes. 4 former EPA administrators (all appointed by republican presidents) have publicly stated economic growth is not hindered by transitioning to cleaner energy sources. The only reason we haven't yet is because of government subsidies tied to the fossil fuel industry by way of billions of dollars have skewed the market in their favor. I bribe you (a republican) in congress to vote according to my business interests, the vote comes up and what do ya know! You vote in my favor, even if it's against those in your district.. They don't pay you campaign contributions, fuck em!

I walk away more than quadrupling my initial investment and you vote like the good little pony boy you are, just as you're told..

Legal corruption

The rest of us pay the price

I'll reply to this manana
Tesla got 4.8 billion in subsidies.
And what causes us to emit all the CO2?

Carbon based technology.

*Waiting for the penny to drop*
Like breathing? Or farting? Let's be honest here. At least 85% of you have got to go in order for the rest of us to survive. I'm going to run for president. That's going to be my platform. Who gets to live or die? for me might get you on that 15% list.
Like breathing? Or farting? Let's be honest here. At least 85% of you have got to go in order for the rest of us to survive. I'm going to run for president. That's going to be my platform. Who gets to live or die? for me might get you on that 15% list.

Red, That was a buzz killer.
You are painfully dumb.

I'm not the one who thinks that CO2 emissions are symptomatic of global warming. I'm with the vast majority of climate scientists who from the consensus that CO2 emissions are the primary cause of global warming.

Your intellect matches your stature.