Ketone reduction to amin via Al(Hg)

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Active Member
Swim had some Ketone laying around. Swim likes Al(Hg) reduction, but was wondering if people could use denatured alcohol instead of methanol, and would the yield go down? Swim did the whole process a few days ago, but ended up fu&#ing up during the HCL gasing stage( the gasser ended up sucking back the toluene into the sulfuric acid and hcl mixture
). Swim ended up evp the toluene after sep the the two layers and got a yellow oil; would this be the freebase amin it doesn't smell like rootbeer. Swim ran out of methanol during the reduction and had to add denatured alcohol to the reaction it seem to work, Swim is just wondering if ethanol or denatured alcohol could be used?


Active Member
Swim looked and looked and find another person across the pond that said he used Denatured Alcohol, but in other parts of his synthesis he said he used MeOh2, So does anybody know if Denatured Alcohol could be used instead of methanol, because methanol is starting to become annoying to find in my town.


Well-Known Member
What are you trying to make from a ketone?

Or are you referring to an actual chemical, like acetone?

Or are you referring to it as a precursor for a extraction of some sort?

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