kether noir
Well-Known Member
hahaha no doubt."sounds like you got yourself a super-dwarf plant!"
I bet that will be their excuse, nothing like some spin by the salesman.
i know. its sad. i dried it out on my computer. made four bowls. and that is it. the smell was good as was the taste. but, all the time...4 or so weeks of veg and about 7 weeks of flower. what a waste. oh well, at least i tried the lot. smelled more like the 'uk cheese x afghani' cross. no blueberry taste and no response as of yet.LOL. Ahhh the coveted super dwarf... I've grown bigger plants in solo cups should be your rebuttal.
the 'plushberry' is really turning red. its so pretty. the clones are well too. ill be cutting the 'sssdh' and 'super silver' so i can start the lst on the 3x 12/12 fs
i also fed a wee bit today. they were in need of nitrogen and molasses, so they got it. and i took two samples off the '3d' and i must say, it is awesome already and still has at least 12 days.
pics within the next two or three days...maybe less????? we shall see.