

Well-Known Member
why the hell would u want to go in the k-hole , u cant leave till ur off the drug thats fucked man,

dont do ket its stupid and highly dangerous.
I feel he said, with any drug, it's fine "in moderation"

But hell, it's been 6 years since I've done it (maybe even longer) and I'm not in a big rush out the door to score some. I appreciate the concern though...and that's serious, I'm not being sarcastic



Well-Known Member
went through a summer where we were selling tabs and shrooms.... did k everyday... never saw anyone do anything stupid.... except the dude we were getting it from.... he would snort vials and hit k-holes for hours... that was scary
yea, but u know what i mean, u see ur friend do something stupid on a drug and u will never dare to touch it.


u have kids and shit and u do that man, no good, i hope they never find out man. :peace:

i hate it when people pull the "kid card".... i have kids too; whatever drugs i do has no bearing on them... i dont do anything in front of him, and dont really see how drugs effect him... if i want to do anything out of the ordinary, he goes to pawpaw's house... but that is like once a year...
just because you have kids, you dont have to magically turn into a saint...just dont impose your lifestyle on them


Well-Known Member
u have kids and shit and u do that man, no good, i hope they never find out man. :peace:
Lol, ive been doing drugs for many years now... used too do blow out the ass. I have limited my drugs too lsd and ketamine its lookin just gonna be lsd :?


Well-Known Member
I feel he said, with any drug, it's fine "in moderation"

But hell, it's been 6 years since I've done it (maybe even longer) and I'm not in a big rush out the door to score some. I appreciate the concern though...and that's serious, I'm not being sarcastic

no problem man, its just i dont like people oding, ive seen to many terrible things for me not to spread my knowledge


Well-Known Member
i hate it when people pull the "kid card".... i have kids too; whatever drugs i do has no bearing on them... i dont do anything in front of him, and dont really see how drugs effect him... if i want to do anything out of the ordinary, he goes to pawpaw's house... but that is like once a year...
just because you have kids, you dont have to magically turn into a saint...just dont impose your lifestyle on them

Exactly, like i said ive been doing drugs alot longer than my son or daughter have been alive. Ketamine is a wonderful thing i think, and not 'tht bad' of a drug...shit i could be shootin up every night


Well-Known Member
i hate it when people pull the "kid card".... i have kids too; whatever drugs i do has no bearing on them... i dont do anything in front of him, and dont really see how drugs effect him... if i want to do anything out of the ordinary, he goes to pawpaw's house... but that is like once a year...
just because you have kids, you dont have to magically turn into a saint...just dont impose your lifestyle on them
as long as u dont do it around ur kids then its all good i have no problem with that. i just thought u guys did it while u were home with them and shit :|


Well-Known Member
no problem man, its just i dont like people oding, ive seen to many terrible things for me not to spread my knowledge
This is why i love K so much, when snorting it, which is how i do it, it takes 4.5 grams too kill yourself. You will be passed out before reaching 3 grams,

and it is somewhat pricey - im getting 60 bucks a gram cooked from my dealer 80 bucks a gram in crystals cooked from chemists,


Well-Known Member
Lol, ive been doing drugs for many years now... used too do blow out the ass. I have limited my drugs too lsd and ketamine its lookin just gonna be lsd :?
well at least u limit urself to some of the most powerful drugs lmfao, jsut playing hows lsd tho always wanted to try it.


Well-Known Member
well at least u limit urself to some of the most powerful drugs lmfao, jsut playing hows lsd tho always wanted to try it.
ive never had a bad trip, some of my friends have told me horrible stories tho, went too a 3x kegger on Halloween my bud got taken away on a stretcher after doing 20+ hits - mfer called them on himself rofl

i would say try it man - it is a long high tho, gotta have the mentality for it really. start off small with 2 hits.


Well-Known Member
ive never had a bad trip, some of my friends have told me horrible stories tho, went too a 3x kegger on Halloween my bud got taken away on a stretcher after doing 20+ hits - mfer called them on himself rofl

i would say try it man - it is a long high tho, gotta have the mentality for it really. start off small with 2 hits.
ive heard MILLIONS of bad trips but ive heard some of the best. ive never had a bad trip on shrooms and i LOVE shrooms. i don't see how someone could get a bad trip if ur as happy as a person i am :D and the only reason i havent done it yet, is because it has never ever came to my town. id do nything to try it tho :D:peace:


Well-Known Member
havent seen much k since my homie got fired from every vet ni the city take a wild guess why lol

i saw some the other day they sid ti was the "salt" it was shitty ketachloride wasnt worth fuck

iv k use is the ONLY way to do it you will have like spiritual psychadelic dissassociative experiences its sooooooo good