Ketamine hangover or tolerance effects ?

Full Circle

Active Member
What kind of "hangover" does K leave on a person ?

If you do K one day, how does it affect Lucy or Molly the next day ? Does it mess up those trips because of being done shortly before ?
why dont you just combine that two experiences??? :)

and the hangover will not be too bad, depending on the dose.
i have never gotten one so far.

but K's tolerance does go up pretty fast.
and it goes down just as fast.

but it may cross tolerance with the other substances.

that is why you use them together.

What is the normal human medical/therapeutic dose of K vs the recreational dose?

No experience with either, just curious.
What is the normal human medical/therapeutic dose of K vs the recreational dose?

No experience with either, just curious.
the dose they give you in hospitals would be IM, and according to erowid roughly 1.5x the dose to reach a k hole.
why dont you just combine that two experiences??? :)

and the hangover will not be too bad, depending on the dose.
i have never gotten one so far.

but K's tolerance does go up pretty fast.
and it goes down just as fast.

but it may cross tolerance with the other substances.

that is why you use them together.


I could ... but would rather know ALL about K by itself first .... Thus the questions ;-)
Full Circle it doesn`t have much of a hangover at amounts below 100mg for me. The hangover from Ketamine is like feeling a little like sitting down but not tired tired, having to think a little harder than normal to remember things but other than that its really not a bad hangover. The hangovers I had from Indica weed were worse or equal to K I think.

If your taking 40-80 I`m pretty sure theres no hangover. Also the hangover is expected by me to be mg/kg dependant rather than dose too.
Full Circle it doesn`t have much of a hangover at amounts below 100mg for me. The hangover from Ketamine is like feeling a little like sitting down but not tired tired, having to think a little harder than normal to remember things but other than that its really not a bad hangover. The hangovers I had from Indica weed were worse or equal to K I think.

If your taking 40-80 I`m pretty sure theres no hangover. Also the hangover is expected by me to be mg/kg dependant rather than dose too.

Ya ... but I am going on a little trip tomorrow with Lucy ... and I am afraid it might mess that up if I take any K tonight. You know, make me not trip as good tomorrow.
k and lsd arent gonna be cross tollerant to my knowledge as they react on 2 diff receptors
Nah he will just get a little psychological tolerance to "crazy times". I think his right, the long lost love of lucy deserves the attention :D