Ketamine ~ Any takers ? Why so taboo ?

I do agree with that. I did some dangerous shit when I was young. I also lost a friend to some dangerous shit, so I find it hard to just pretend that this drug is just great for everyone to try because it is not.

the thing is, this part of the forum is where members come to discuss all drugs excluding cannabis, as that's what the rest of the forum is for..
most of us, through experience of not, have come to the conclusion that the just say no approach to drugs has never worked in the past, nor will it ever work at any time in the future.. so instead of the just say no approach, we like to preach about the safest way to use any and all drugs excluding cannabis in here..
the safest way most of use have experienced to use drugs is to a, test all drugs before you use them.. many places sell test kits that will help the user know if what they're taking is indeed what they think it is.. places like dance safe sell such test kits, and i recommend anyone thinking about trying a drug to buy the appropriate test kit for drug in question..
the second thing recommended after testing the drug to make sure it is what you bought and assumed prior to purchase, is to research what the proper dosage is for that drug.. even once you find out the drug you bought is what you think it is, plenty of people get into trouble by not researching the proper dosage and going way overboard on their dosage.. it's always easier to re-dose after taking a smaller dose and finding out you're not where you want to be, then it is to take out what you already have put into the body..

so yeah, to sum it up, the just say no method is a complete and utter failure, and to say all drugs are bad is silly, and this section of the site is where members can come to and find out the correct and safe advice for pretty much any drug they're considering using before they decide to use said drug. most frequent members of this section have had either personal, first hand experience with most drugs, and or have been baby sitters for others who have done said drugs, and as a result, usually always have something positive to input on most other drugs, cannabis excluded..
end of rant..
Oh ya wanna play hardball now huh..

Your quote from above that I referenced sounded mildly medical, not like an informed doctor, more like a lackey nurse-aid. I don't think my question was outta line in this context. Just trying to establish if you had any medical credentials, which you don't.

Thanks for getting Gary banned. And thanks for getting snotty with me. Now you're on my, correct-all-grammar and to-poop-on, list, whoever you are.
Her response sounded hardly "mildly medical" or at all like a "lackey nurse's aid." It was very well thought out and completely on point with not an ounce of conjecture. So why don't you, who seems more interested in pissy little personal attacks, fuck directly off with your obvious lack of medical knowledge.
the thing is, this part of the forum is where member come to discuss all drugs excluding cannabis, as that's what the rest of the forum is for..
most of us, through experience of not, have come to the conclusion that the just say no approach to drugs has never worked in the passed, nor will it ever work at any time in the future.. so instead of the just say no approach, we like to preach about the safest way to use any and all drugs excluding cannabis in here..
the safest way most of use have experienced to use drugs is to a, test all drugs before you use them.. many places sell test kits that will help the user know if what they're taking is indeed what they think it is.. places like dance safe sell such test kits, and i recommend anyone thinking about trying a drug to buy the appropriate test kit for drug in question..
the second thing recommended after testing the drug to make sure it is what you bought and assumed prior to purchase, is to research what the proper dosage is for that drug.. even once you find out the drug you bought is what you think it is, plenty of people get into trouble by not researching the proper dosage and going way overboard on their dosage.. it's always easier to redose after taking a smaller dose and finding out you're not where you want to be, then it is to take out what you already have put into the body..

so yeah, to sum it up, the just say no method is a complete and utter failure, and to say all drugs are bad is silly, and this section of the site is where members can come to and find out the correct and safe advice for pretty much any drug they're considering using before they decide to use said drug. most frequent member of this section have had either personal, first hand experience with most drugs, and have been baby sitters for others who have done said drugs, and as a result, usually always have something positive to input on most other drugs, cannabis excluded..
end of rant..
I like your rant, it makes sense, but I think its fair to, that someone also knows the side effects and potential adverse reactions. I think that would certainly be fair for someone to know who is potentially thinking of using a certain drug. The more information one has the better decision they can make.:peace:
I like your rant, it makes sense, but I think its fair to, that someone also knows the side effects and potential adverse reactions. I think that would certainly be fair for someone to know who is potentially thinking of using a certain drug. The more information one has the better decision they can make.:peace:

that's precisely why i like to think that this section of the forum exists to be quite frank about it..
most of us have all grown up thinking that pretty much all drugs are bad, and that one should never even consider to do such drugs on the recreational level, but we all know that people will always want to try and dabble with drugs.
so long as people are willing to try drugs, there should always be a place that said people can come to and get either personal, first hand experience on the drug in question, or if no first hand personal experience is to be had, the second best thing is to have people be able to give solid, safe advice on consuming the drug..
This thread should be deleted. @rollitup can You please delete this thread ?
Being it is infiltrated with liars and closed minded individuals.

i can delete it, but i don't think it should be personally.. sure, some people came in trying to put down the drug the thread is about, but at the same rate, there's a lot of solid information on here that shows what these people claim is far from the truth.
Why so taboo? I thought that was the thread...I guess being in the medical field, I have seen a lot of abuse of drugs, I have seen a lot of drugs actually make it to the market after limited research, that after the public has taken the drug the drugs true risks and adverse effects are discovered, hence all the lawsuit commercials we see on TV. My husband is actually a statistic from one Januvia which caused his pancreatitis which he was hospitalized for and something he continues to have issues with years after being taken off of the medication. Only now is there a warning on this can take a long time before the true nature and effects of a drug are determined, so I do err on the side of caution. I hope my children if they going to use drugs just smoke a bowl, and find satisfaction with that.
Why so taboo? I thought that was the thread...I guess being in the medical field, I have seen a lot of abuse of drugs, I have seen a lot of drugs actually make it to the market after limited research, that after the public has taken the drug the drugs true risks and adverse effects are discovered, hence all the lawsuit commercials we see on TV. My husband is actually a statistic from one Januvia which caused his pancreatitis which he was hospitalized for and something he continues to have issues with years after being taken off of the medication. Only now is there a warning on this can take a long time before the true nature and effects of a drug are determined, so I do err on the side of caution. I hope my children if they going to use drugs just smoke a bowl, and find satisfaction with that.

don't bother trying to explain yourself. heartlessbbq needs to change his name to brainlessbbq. you presented facts and no conjecture, then he wants to take his ball and run home to tell mom about all the kids that were mean to him. he neglected to point out he is the liar.
know any dead heads ?
No I don't know any to be honest. I work alot so I don't get many chances to go out to places wear I'd meet dead heads. And I don't mess with the dark net because I just don't trust it. The area I live is more of ppl try to make money on Crack heroin and weed. It's a shame but it's wher3 I live .
No I don't know any to be honest. I work alot so I don't get many chances to go out to places wear I'd meet dead heads. And I don't mess with the dark net because I just don't trust it. The area I live is more of ppl try to make money on Crack heroin and weed. It's a shame but it's wher3 I live .
Well it seems deadheads are the number one source to find ketamine these days in America.
I would say the club / rave scene would be the second.
and 3rd would probably be from a vet.
Ketamine Trip Report :
Dosage ~ 175 - 215 mgs of preset ketamine
Set and setting ~ LAST NIGHT , laying face up on My bed in My room.
Duration ~ 1.5 hours

Summary ~ I get the little 777 bag of preset ketamine I purchased from a good friend on the 4th of July.
I crush the sparkly obvious ketamine crystals in the bag with a lighter. I light up a bowl of some Coloraod Island Sweet Skunk and prepare Myself for the journey. ~~~ I lay out about 175-215 mgs of this stuff out and crush it as fine as can be with a credit card to make sure it goes into My lungs so no big chunks get stuck in My digestive system and roll into My stomach and cause unwanted "k-hole effects" such as throwing up and a dark ketamine experience which is very common because people do not know how to use this substance correctly. ~~~~ Anywho... I crush up the ketamine, roll out the line and get a clean rolled up piece of paper and woof....up the nose... Here I go . . .

~~~~~ 0 - 5 minutes after administration - I feel a mild buzzing sensation and a soft ring in My head. Kind of like an om or the sound one hears on n,n-dmt or nitrous oxide. [ It's like Your third eye is tapping into the crown chakra ]
I lay back on My bed and meditate and wait for the effects to kick in.

~~~~ 10 minutes after snuffing the ketamine - I slowly but quickly feel My perception shift into this familiar ketamine , out of body state of mind. The transition is so weird. It's like You are here on this phyiscal realm , aware and then next thing You know, the whole entire set and setting shifts into a very organic , surreal , dream like state. It is very much so like n,n,-dmt in the sense of being able to leave ones body and communicate with intelligent alien like beings aka God. But I would not say it is not like n,n-dmt at all either at the same time. dmt is more next level and extremely fast. while ketamine is WAY slowed down and more on this physical plane.

~~~~ 15 - 35 minutes in - I am in . I feel like everything makes sense. I feel like I have connected to the akashic records and the library system within. It's like My brain is a puzzle piece and it connects to the whole finished puzzle and all the other pieces are the collective consciousness... I have visions of all My family members, friends, and people I have met. I literally have a visual experience that shows a board game layout of the world and all the places I have made memories. It is like I could go to each and every place and tap into someone's thoughts about Me, My perception, Their perception, all of Our perceptions blended into one experience. It is so beautiful and really hard to explain. Ketamine visions offer more of a realistic visualizer type of scenario that One would see at a music festival or electronic show now a days. Best way I can describe ketamine visions are tied with thought , imagination, realism mixed with surrealism. a beautiful way to think and look at One's life and ideas.

~~~~ 45 minutes in - This is the most intense blast off I have ever had on ketamine. I feel like everything that has been going on My life makes SO MUCH SENSE. a HUGE moment of clarity and reassurance. I feel like I am glowing and on fire. I literally can feel My third eye chakra beaming downward AND upward to My roots and sent back up and forth like I just got ankhed from Thoth . It felt SO good that I started pretending like I was djing Marshmello in My room and smiling ear to ear feeling like everything in Me is good to go. I notice how the ketamine has made My back's spine scoliosis feel a lot better and I notice a deep , profound awareness on My body. I sit up from a lying down position like I am doing sitt ups and I figure out a new way to exercise My back. I start the work out I just made up and realize I could not be doing this like I was if I were sober . Possibly on cocaine or mdma , maybe even lsd. But I knew I could not do this sober which blew My mind. I breathed in and out with the new exercise. I am so happy that I was experiencing this. Then I jump up off My bed and start twisting My body and realize I could not do this sober either. I started to feel a little motion sick and stopped. layed down. smoked some weed and went to bed. in bliss and awe that My intuition showed Me a new way to work out My back. . . ~~~ This was not that heady or visual of a trip but I am glad I was able to bring a high vibration of being grounded within the trip. I mean I found a new way to do sit ups that I felt intuitively to be very effective for someone with scoliosis. I feel very blessed that God has shown Me the magic behind using ketamine.
All Body, mind, AND spirit.
"think of the universe as a giant computer"

dosage - 250 mgs - 300 mgs white powder, anesket medical grade ketamine - Insufflated

duration - about 90 minutes

setting - bedroom while in deep meditation while listening to a great playlist put together for the occasion

music playlist: Soul Blood - Alice Spacedoll, dive - tycho, awareness - kalya scintilla, on a good day - oceanlab, morning focus - templo, spectral processor - androcell, solar prayers (bird of prey remix) - desert dwellers, and Light Ocean Blue - Entheogenic

~~~~~~~ i love myself a good k hole session to look deep into my brain. I consider them a way to have a trip without getting super loaded on acid that can prolong a trip but everyone is different. I highly recommend meditating with ketamine especially if it is at a high dosage and really good quality Kittie Kats. i enjoy anesket or preset, if available.

The trip -----
0 - 5 minutes in:

i snorted the above said dosage through my right nostril. After i turned off the lights, drank some water to wash the drip down, put in my headphones and started the above listed playlist, layed back and listened...
Always when i start a k hole session, i feel like i am in a dentist office. Probably because of past experiences while getting a cavity filled with nitrous oxide used as an anesthetic, like a flashback of sorts. Nitrous is very similar to k holes but of course way different . Cognition was normal at this point

10 - 15 minutes after Insufflation:
I always know i got enough into my system when after i snort the dose, i feel like something big is about to come on even though i do not feel the Ketamine's effects yet. My heart beat starts to speed up slightly and i feel a sense of comfort and an ease of any negative emotions. My upper lip becomes numb while i can feel my face start to get numb following. I start to hear a high pitch tone, very similar to a dmt OM tone while in a deemster trip but maybe a bit lower. The tone kept getting louder as the Ketamine took hold. I knew i took enough because i felt like i was on a rollercoaster, creeping up the first high drop. slowly and slowly as it came on, i knew i was in for a ride. I was very excited at this point. My "normal" mental actions are starting to be altered.

~~~i always know i got into this sacred thinking space when i start to have profound visions and synchronicities. Most k hole visions are not your typical visual like with lsd, mushrooms, or dmt....they are more surreal and dream like. Kind of like watching a realistic movie or film such as planet earth. containing dreamscapes, overhead birds eye view of actual places, visions of flying through the air over mountains, bodies of water, acres of land...etc.

Sometimes my sessions are hit or miss, "hit" meaning that the experience can be very pleasant with profound/powerful visuals, feelings of getting propelled through a tunnel that feel beyond blissful/leaving my physical body, very thought provoking, a very meaningful spiritual experience, insightful, and at times i believe to have communicated with divine beings that are higher than myself, God, extraterrestrials, and basically all information that is light/creation.
and when i say "miss" i mean having an experience that was not as visual, not as meaningful, no contact with alien like beings, sometimes contact with them but they show me a harsh unwanted dark lesson that i did not want but still shows me something i needed to learn. also having unpleasant effects such as irritated nasal cavities that distract me from the trip/thoughts.

20 - 40 minutes into the session:
i feel like i tapped into the universal consciousness of everyone and everything. I say this because i feel like i am thinking other people's thoughts/views that are connected to Me. i have a strong feeling of contentment, realizations without any fear, certain things that have been bothering me in my life at the time were put at ease and helped me bring this sense of comfort back into my sober self after the session, i felt like i communicated with my higher self (Goddess/God) to bring about said comfort that shook a certain fear away from me, very big moment of clarity, very pleasant/interesting/synchronized visions/visuals that connected with my trip & life, felt an extremely blissful body high that made me say "i feel like my fingers just sucked my hands away", and i chanted some mantras and spoke a few blessings out loud for the universe to hear such as "bless my roommates/friends, i love each of them, bless everyone and everything", and had a profound sense of awareness that brought about comfort, ease, fearless intentions, and clarity.

45 - 90 minutes into the session:
im out of the hole now but still having visuals and body high. Very high still both on the ketamine and mentally, i am content with the experience and now have time to reminisce. My right nasal cavity at this point is a little irritated but i was so happy with the outcome of the trip that i didn't really care. My right nostril was dripping and my right eye was crying tears of joy. Probably from the irritated sinuses and the experience i just had. All the fear that i have built up from my life the past 6 months had died and ceased due to the interaction with my inner voice aka intuition or God as i like to call it. I was tired about 75 minutes in and could feel the k wearing off, still very content and knew i was gunna sleep very well. which i did.

i awoke the next day with no hangover and felt blissed out from the afterglow.
Very grateful for this experience due to how much it helped my fear struggles and how pleasant the trip was. bless it.

it is very hard and difficult to describe the visions/visuals i had because they relate to my life in a profound, individual way.
i look forward to my next session and i will do my best to record my research.
i will be doing it in a sensory deprivation chamber ;-)

i hope you all enjoy this trip report and gain something from it.
i love you all
until next time.... <3