Ketamine ~ Any takers ? Why so taboo ?

My friends were into it a lot i was more into good molly in my party days but tried it a few times.
Thought i knew what a normal dose as i dated a girl who got it straight from a vet. That was until a different friend gave me his bag which was extremely strong stuff and i snorted what i thought was a good amount in a toilet of a popular pub we all hung out in.
I started walking around the bathroom looking for my razor and toothbrush etc in the toilet, then realized i really hated the music that was playing.Real annoying music it was like my ears were getting drilled literally. Mates are laughing took me outside where i spewed...might have been that i was on meds at the same time but it was a very horrible experience at that higher dose. Never tried it since.I love molly though. haven't had a good pill in years though.
In the early 90's I was working at a zoo in a Florida. We used ketamine to sedate baboons. I had at the time never used it recreationally but decided I'd give it a go.

Most people dry the liquid in an oven until the water evaporates and you are left with a powder. Not me! I gave myself the primate dose lol. On the insert it tells you how to dose the drug, certain amount of ml of drug per kg of body weight. So I drew the amount out of the vial for the dose, which was about 1/3 a vial if I remember correct, and saved the dose for my next day off.

Well when I took the dose, it was the morning sometime. I have myself a little shot in the ass, like I said I didn't have powder, just the veterinary drug. I stayed upright for maybe 3 minutes until full blown hallucinations and collapse set in. I was in a total waking dream state, very hard to describe but I remember I was the size of Godzilla and I destroyed much of the neighborhood. Smashed cars stepped on houses, was very, surreal.

You can imagine my relief when as I came to I realized all my destruction was illusionary, technically I hadn't moved a single muscle that wasn't connected to my unconscious breathing and heart rate. Just laid on the floor drooling for about 5-6 hours. My dose was probably 20x what a recreational dose is. Keep in mind this is a drug for surgery. If you can feel pain and respond to it, you are very much still in the safe zone.

If you ever found someone who took too much keep them on their side, be mindful of choking and keep them comfortable. A steady heart rate and breathing will remain even though they can't talk. Any breathing issues get help.

I wouldn't call it a "fun" drug. I did it at a few raves after that, but always wished I had stuck to Molly. No one gets laid on ketamine :)
Going over this can make One giggle and smile.
A GORILA dose !!!! bahahaha !!! That is so intense.
Do You remember having any visions ?

but yeah, k in larger doses definitely isn't what i'd consider a party drug, at all, it's very anti-social in it's dis-associative properties..
i'd say doses around the 100 mg mark and up should be enough to put one in a k hole for a good amount of time ime..
One of ketamines most interesting effects . . . Third eye physic visions and abilities. It is like the chemical literally soaks, sinks and taps One in into the subconscious dream state. It's like Your chakras align in perfect order. And very fine way to bridge the physical to the mental to the spirit.

Fun ketamine story because you all got me thinking about it now.

Went out to the bars with some friends, good times, somehow wound up with several free shotglasses. I think they were actually giving them away, but I might have been stealing them, who knows.

Come back to my place for some bong rips. Do a nice line or 2 of K, then proceed to put the shotglasses in my pocket away. Bad decision. Dropped one on the tile floor, didn't notice, stepped on a big shard. The K is kicking in hard now, so I have to sit down. Blood is just pouring from my foot, and all I could do was stare at it flow out, looking like fractal rose petals. Luckily I didn't feel it.

Between the alcohol, drugs, and blood loss, I eventually passed out in said puddle, which topped out at roughly 9 ft2. My roommate wakes up to find me unconscious in the hallway, in a puddle of blood. It took him quite a while to figure out it wasn't a prank lol. And now I have a pretty sweet scar on the bottom of my foot

Moral of the story, always be somewhere safe when you're trying to K-hole.
GHB is the date rape drug. Not ketamine. Trust Me. Unless You are that heartless of a bastard to dose a girl on anything just to get a nut.... Fuck that is so wrong and gross.

But this story above . . . *two thumbs up* It is amazing ketamine's anesthetic abilities.
Crazy You lost the much blood, the sounds sketch. Glad You are okay now.
Do You remember seeing any light or visions while tripping ?
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Ketamine Trip Report :
Dosage ~ 175 - 215 mgs of preset ketamine
Set and setting ~ LAST NIGHT , laying face up on My bed in My room.
Duration ~ 1.5 hours

Summary ~ I get the little 777 bag of preset ketamine I purchased from a good friend on the 4th of July.
I crush the sparkly obvious ketamine crystals in the bag with a lighter. I light up a bowl of some Coloraod Island Sweet Skunk and prepare Myself for the journey. ~~~ I lay out about 175-215 mgs of this stuff out and crush it as fine as can be with a credit card to make sure it goes into My lungs so no big chunks get stuck in My digestive system and roll into My stomach and cause unwanted "k-hole effects" such as throwing up and a dark ketamine experience which is very common because people do not know how to use this substance correctly. ~~~~ Anywho... I crush up the ketamine, roll out the line and get a clean rolled up piece of paper and woof....up the nose... Here I go . . .

~~~~~ 0 - 5 minutes after administration - I feel a mild buzzing sensation and a soft ring in My head. Kind of like an om or the sound one hears on n,n-dmt or nitrous oxide. [ It's like Your third eye is tapping into the crown chakra ]
I lay back on My bed and meditate and wait for the effects to kick in.

~~~~ 10 minutes after snuffing the ketamine - I slowly but quickly feel My perception shift into this familiar ketamine , out of body state of mind. The transition is so weird. It's like You are here on this phyiscal realm , aware and then next thing You know, the whole entire set and setting shifts into a very organic , surreal , dream like state. It is very much so like n,n,-dmt in the sense of being able to leave ones body and communicate with intelligent alien like beings aka God. But I would not say it is not like n,n-dmt at all either at the same time. dmt is more next level and extremely fast. while ketamine is WAY slowed down and more on this physical plane.

~~~~ 15 - 35 minutes in - I am in . I feel like everything makes sense. I feel like I have connected to the akashic records and the library system within. It's like My brain is a puzzle piece and it connects to the whole finished puzzle and all the other pieces are the collective consciousness... I have visions of all My family members, friends, and people I have met. I literally have a visual experience that shows a board game layout of the world and all the places I have made memories. It is like I could go to each and every place and tap into someone's thoughts about Me, My perception, Their perception, all of Our perceptions blended into one experience. It is so beautiful and really hard to explain. Ketamine visions offer more of a realistic visualizer type of scenario that One would see at a music festival or electronic show now a days. Best way I can describe ketamine visions are tied with thought , imagination, realism mixed with surrealism. a beautiful way to think and look at One's life and ideas.

~~~~ 45 minutes in - This is the most intense blast off I have ever had on ketamine. I feel like everything that has been going on My life makes SO MUCH SENSE. a HUGE moment of clarity and reassurance. I feel like I am glowing and on fire. I literally can feel My third eye chakra beaming downward AND upward to My roots and sent back up and forth like I just got ankhed from Thoth . It felt SO good that I started pretending like I was djing Marshmello in My room and smiling ear to ear feeling like everything in Me is good to go. I notice how the ketamine has made My back's spine scoliosis feel a lot better and I notice a deep , profound awareness on My body. I sit up from a lying down position like I am doing sitt ups and I figure out a new way to exercise My back. I start the work out I just made up and realize I could not be doing this like I was if I were sober . Possibly on cocaine or mdma , maybe even lsd. But I knew I could not do this sober which blew My mind. I breathed in and out with the new exercise. I am so happy that I was experiencing this. Then I jump up off My bed and start twisting My body and realize I could not do this sober either. I started to feel a little motion sick and stopped. layed down. smoked some weed and went to bed. in bliss and awe that My intuition showed Me a new way to work out My back. . . ~~~
This was not that heady or visual of a trip but I am glad I was able to bring a high vibration of being grounded within the trip. I mean I found a new way to do sit ups that I felt intuitively to be very effective for someone with scoliosis. I feel very blessed that God has shown Me the magic behind using ketamine. All Body, mind, AND spirit.
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IS taboo because it is dangerous. Sorry but seeing it in use on a regular basis in surgery, it is not a safe drug to be using as a recreational...
I used it an an ENTHEOGEN last night and had great success.
And look at Me now... Still typing . . . I am alive and not a sheep. It feels good.
I used it an an ENTHEOGEN last night and had great success.
And look at Me now... Still typing . . . I am alive and not a sheep. It feels good.
That is good for you, unfortunately it is still dangerous, because you are happy and lived through it does not mean it is for the masses or should be recommended...
and I have worked with the drug in my profession for 25 years..and no it is not a safe drug for recreational use.