Ketamine ~ Any takers ? Why so taboo ?

It's an incredible bzzz, just makes u content melting into your own body. The k- HOLE aspect is you being 'gone', not able to do anything basically, but drool, and loving it. I think it's an animal sedative for surgical procedures. I'm glad the few times I did it, I was bumming it off someone, cos it be easy to overdo it. This is why I've chosen to not become a veterinarian.
It's an incredible bzzz, just makes u content melting into your own body. The k- HOLE aspect is you being 'gone', not able to do anything basically, but drool, and loving it. I think it's an animal sedative for surgical procedures. I'm glad the few times I did it, I was bumming it off someone, cos it be easy to overdo it. This is why I've chosen to not become a veterinarian.
When I "k hole" i meditate with it and close My eyes.
What happens behind closed eye lids and the thought patterns are incredible.

A very nice thinking place. but apparently I am the only one that thinks so.
And they died how? over dose ? because that seems rather very unlikely and a bunch of bullshit to me.

like i have any goddamn reason to lie about it. i'm merely relating my experiences of 20 odd years in the ER and on ambulances. it does happen, i've seen it 3 times. so let me change any life experience i might have to fit your beliefs and expectations...
Ketamine is clinically one of THE safest drugs on the planet.

You have MANY reasons to lie on a public, anonymous thread.

LoL "20 + years in the ER" and You all use ketamine on children as an anesthetic.
yeah, ketamine is SO SAFE that when you get in in the hospital that you have to be on capnography, heart monitor, o2, and have a crash cart set up ready to go at the bedside? and some states you have to be a doctor to administer it? can you tell me also if it is so safe, EMS crew don't give in in the field? can't wait to have all of this explained to me....
After seeing a couple people die from it, that cleared up any thoughts I had of trying it.

Marijuana is the the only safe option for an elevated experience.

Ketamine is safe in comparison to other sedatives, buts it's a drug you can do minor surgery with, a serious drug! Any other drugs that affect the nervous system, such as benzos or opiates could be easily fatal when combined with ketamine.

Normally when administering ketamine to something we wanted to keep alive, we always had a vet on hand, but not just any vet, one with anesthesia training. Normally it was the baboons...
yeah, ketamine is SO SAFE that when you get in in the hospital that you have to be on capnography, heart monitor, o2, and have a crash cart set up ready to go at the bedside? and some states you have to be a doctor to administer it? can you tell me also if it is so safe, EMS crew don't give in in the field? can't wait to have all of this explained to me....

Excellent points.

I shared my experiences but you shares something even more valuable, a fair warning. I am lucky I survived my 20's, I did crazy shit too often.
i hate that the thread made the turn from relating like experiences to a douche canoe shitting on what i said. but yeah, a male's 20s are a dangerous time indeed lol.

I have family that work as EMT's, it's a job that makes a person much more aware of the consequences of life, much like working in an ER.

I don't know if I'm a strong enough person to do that work. I tried to work in an vet clinic once, seemed a good fit being an ex zookeeper, but sick dogs make me so damn sad. I couldn't shake off the sads, I also woulda dipped into my pockets to pay for animals tha couldn't afford treatment too. I can't imagine letting a family put a dog to sleep cause they don't have 1000. At lest you don't have to put people down for lack of payment lol.
IS taboo because it is dangerous. Sorry but seeing it in use on a regular basis in surgery, it is not a safe drug to be using as a recreational...
heartlessbbq will inform you in short order that you are wrong.
I don't think so, it is dangerous and if you want to believe otherwise that is your personal decision, but it is and it has the potential to kill, nothing like weed, sorry but that is just the truth about this chemical!