Kentucky Police Murdered a 19 Year Old Girl

Was this justified

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Cops are trained to think like that.
If more cops were standing around many more shots would have been fired.
Once they hear shots going off they go crazy.

Saw this on the news tonight.
Seems this cop has a taste for blood.

An off-duty Baltimore police officer was charged Tuesday in Pennsylvania with attempted homicide after police there said he shot a man multiple times outside the officer's home.,0,7375681.story?track=rss
idk... she did leave when he told her to stop.... and since we weren't there and the camera doesn't capture the moment we will never know. What i do know is that the officer will live with that the rest of his life. Either way no one deserves to die but if she tried to escape and attempted to run the officer over the he could had shot some bullets. 4 rounds isn't overkill like the LAPD who empties clips on cars
In most jurisdictions, the use of deadly force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed.

I think that one falls into the fail category.

Nice car though
but if she tried to escape and attempted to run the officer over the he could had shot some bullets.
She may have been guilty of a crime, but if she did try to run over him, it's only because his dumb ass ran in front of a moving car. He could have called in her plate, or given chase in his vehicle. Throwing yourself on top or, or in front of, a moving car is just plain retarded.