Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Signs Executive Medical Marijuana Order


Well-Known Member
At around 2PM today. 11-15-22. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed an Executive Medical Marijuana Order.

It allows people with some 20 conditions to be able to purchase, and possess up to 8oz. And these purchases are legalized for buying in Legal States, and bringing it back to Ky. You must keep your reciept, and get Authorization from a Doctor.
He is also calling for the Kentucky Senate to stop stalling, and take up a new bill. He is calling for the person who introduced a previous Medical Marijuana to Reintroduce the Bill, which has already passed the House, but the Senate reTHUGliKKKlans wont take up the bill.

This is basically all he can do by Executive Order, but I gave him credit or having the balls to go this on his own. 90% of all Kentuckians want to legalize Medical Marijuana. Of course Im for full legalization, but thats another fight.
Beshear also restored my voting rights, after the reTHUGliKKKlans took them away 20 years ago. reTHUGliKKKlan Ernie Fletcher took them away for nonviolent Felons, and then Beshears father restored them around 2016, and then the first thing Bevin did when he got into office, was take them away. On day 1 of Beshear Jrs term, he restored them. My felony was marijuana cultivation. I spent 12 years altogether with the Feds. Form 1997-2009.
I hope one day Beshear Jr runs for president. He would have my vote.
Thing is though theres all kinds of states that border Ky that have medical marijuana.

Ohio, West Virginia, Missouri, Illinois, Virginia all have medical marijuana.

Is it perfect?? NO. But now you can at least possess 8oz, with a Drs order, and not got to jail. He did all he can do on his own.
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Ohio sucks.
Not as bad as Kentucky, but thats a different story. Weve got Moscow Mitch, Rand Paul, Stivers, Comer, Massie, Barr, Rogers. Hard to beat this lineup of obstructionists.
The motto in Kentucky is.
Come here on vacation, and leave on probation.
In 1989 I went to prison for 7 grams of weed. Did 12 months out of a 15 month sentence. I got 3 months off for good time.

Kentucky Sucks.
I sure do like both Kentucky and Tennessee, good ass places in my book. Haven't been in a long time though.

They do have tobacco in forms I have never seen before, that made me laugh as a kid.
One thing that sucks is that none of the surrounging states that have legal medical marijuana, recognize out of state medical cards. West Virginia does, but only for terminal cancer. I wonder if one can purchase from a non medical, recreational dispensary? The conditions to legally possees weed in Ky is that you must have the Name, Address, and Receipt from the place where it was purchased. Id say one can probably buy from a recreational dispensary, and bring it back to Ky as long as you have the name, address, and receipt from the place you bought it.

Im my neck of the woods in E Kentucky, Meth, Fentanyl, and Heroin are everywhere. Crime is way up, especially in the form of home breakins, and home invasions. A while back 3 girls broke into an 80 something years old disabled mans home, and beat him, tied him up, and took all of his medications. They never did get caught. Theres homeless people everywhere, many living on the river bank, and the jails are full, and have been for years, and years. Jalis here have been overcrowded for more than 20 years. I got busted for marijuana cultivation in 1997, and was in a 10 man cell with 33 other people. And I spent a year sleeping on the floor before I made it to federal prison. Even then I saw all kinds of people going through Oxy withdraw, and no medical help. People around here also have all kinds of shake, and bake mobile Meth Labs. When I was in the halfway house in 2009, the idiots were making meth upstairs in the house via shake and bake method.
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