Kenny Glenn (Big internet controversy!!!!)

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Kenny Glenn

some teenagers abuse their cat, film it, and post it on youtube. (that site, has links to the vid, but does not actually post the video)

their has been lots of backlash, i heard that the cat has been taken, and the teens are in police custody....

i think the kids should be severly punished, what the fuck is going on in america!? wtf is happening to this world?


Well-Known Member
If you can do that to a helpless animal who's only goal in life is to please you just think what you're capable of doing to a person.

Wait I'll take it one step further. They're such pussies who don't have the balls to hurt something willing to hurt them back so they fuck with the furries to make themselves feel like men.

I say drop the faggot in a prison ward where most of the inmates are animal lovers. You know the guys who have tats of there pets, and pictures of them hanging on here wall. Tell them why he's there and let them commence to delivering the "Candy bar".


Well-Known Member
If you can do that to a helpless animal who's only goal in life is to please you just think what you're capable of doing to a person.

Wait I'll take it one step further. They're such pussies who don't have the balls to hurt something willing to hurt them back so they fuck with the furries to make themselves feel like men.

I say drop the faggot in a prison ward where most of the inmates are animal lovers. You know the guys who have tats of there pets, and pictures of them hanging on here wall. Tell them why he's there and let them commence to delivering the "Candy bar".
most definitely. plus, the dudes on 4chan will make thier lives hell... i mean they already posted all of their info on that site... those kids will be dealing with this for the rest of their lives....


Well-Known Member
That shit is fucked up, both he and his friend needs to be dealt with accordingly. :finger:. That shit pissed me off pretty bad, :cuss:.

Now I will go toke and try to calm down.


New Member
Oh I don't wanna see that video,

I have 3 cats and they all say "Fuck you kenny, ya fucking piece of shit", they hope he dies slowly in a lot of pain..... :finger:

I don't understand people who are mean to animals, and they think it's cool? Fucking losers............


Well-Known Member
just a small glimpse of what is happening to our society. i just wanna go to an island somewhere and leave all the scum behind to destroy each other. get me outta here!!!(helpless in U.S.)


Well-Known Member
Yea, and kids who hurt animals usually end up REAL fucked up in life... serial killers, bombers.... good thing these kids got caught now.

i feel bad for that cat tho...


Well-Known Member
That was just two times they filmed, who knows how many times they have done that. And yep, 98% of serial killers enjoyed harming animals. There is no place in society for people like that. They should euthanize em. :mrgreen:


New Member
They should publicly hang them, or behead them.

Can you imagine someday when these little peckerheads grow up and have kids? Since they don't understand that all living things have feelings, what kind of parents are they going to make.

Sterilize them, now, save a baby !!!


Well-Known Member
so true. i refuse to even watch video, don't know what they did and don't wanna know. kid should have mandatory psych eval. and be watched very closely.


Well-Known Member
They should publicly hang them, or behead them.

Can you imagine someday when these little peckerheads grow up and have kids? Since they don't understand that all living things have feelings, what kind of parents are they going to make.

Sterilize them, now, save a baby !!!

LOL, I am going to get a shirt that says that. "Sterilize Kenny Glenn, save a baby."


New Member
I'll take a size medium please :bigjoint:

If I ever found out that one of my kids even saw someone do something like that without stepping in, I'd whip their asses all over town.
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