Kelloggs dropping Michael Phelps for bong picture



As some of you probably already know, Kelloggs the cereal company that makes Kelloggs frosted flakes, rice krispies, and probably other cereals dropped Michael Phelps, a 14+ time gold medalist, as a sponser (a long ass time ago) just for pictures of him hitting a bong at a party. When Phelps was signed with them, Kelloggs didnt even worry about his underage dui when he was a teenager.


Anybody with a goddamn brain knows that alcohol is way worse than cannabis, especially if you're fuckin driving drunk. So what should we do about it?

Well, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) had the brilliant idea to boycott Kelloggs. I support this idea fully. Who's with me?


I know but I didnt see anything about it so I thought that anyone that didn't already know about it (such as myself) could get some insight.


Well-Known Member
You mean kelloggs, the company that makes breakfast cereal for small kids dropped a repeat offender? I wonder why...

He should of knew he would be walking a tight line.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to 2008? Maybe 2009....This is old fucking news. In any case I applaud Kellogg's for having the balls to drop this guy. It said specifically in his contract to reframe from drug use...When you are sponsored by a company you are a corporate symbol. If weed isn't something Kellogg's wants to be associated with so be it. They were just exercising their rights not to be associated with drug use. Furthermore there is an issue of equity. John Smith in the assembly line would get fired for drug use, so would the accountants, CEO, CFO, ect...If these people are a countable for their actions so should Phelps. Just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean he should get off the hook.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
When it happened there where so many people calling their comment hotline they had an option to talk to someone just about the Phelps thing. I remember it also lowered their "approval" rating on some scale that keeps up with how cooperations are perceived by the public.