Kellogg Organic Potting Soil?


I bought some couple years back and hated it, even my house plants hated it. It got hard as a rock in the pot and the roots never expanded good. The bio sludge history part didn't help either even though they claim they stopped adding it.

You can get a 4cu ft bale of sunshine mix #4 with mycos at HD for 24$ and if you are lucky and find a ripped bag it's 30-50% off.

1 bale fills a 32 gallon trash can.
And guess what? A lot of people dont have access to sunshine mix #4, you work with the nutrients and soils you can get. I'm guessing you're one of the spoiled lil shits who live in a legal state. So fuck off with the condescending attitude. A lot of us still live in red states that wont be legal for a LONG time. So I work with and amend what I can. So fuck off.


Well-Known Member
And guess what? A lot of people dont have access to sunshine mix #4, you work with the nutrients and soils you can get. I'm guessing you're one of the spoiled lil shits who live in a legal state. So fuck off with the condescending attitude. A lot of us still live in red states that wont be legal for a LONG time. So I work with and amend what I can. So fuck off.
Wow you're pretty toxic there bro. You said Home Depot, I said Home Depot.
Im disabled and cash is TIGHT. So if this is a viable product for $6 I have to consider it. FF is $25 around here, Id prefer that but what can I do.

I may make my own worm castings to add. Food scraps and paper in a bin with worms breaking it down. So home made worm castings, perlite, and patio plus. Lets see how this goes down. *crosses fingers*
Years later I would love to know how that went down!!!! I bet pretty well honestly


Well-Known Member
It's garbage and full of chemicals and bio solids. And bio solids are byproduct of sewage treatement.

Kellogs, scotts, and miracle gro are all the furthest thing from organic.

Get a bale of peat moss from lowes. Then go to a nursery and get some compost, worm castings, and garden pumice and mix it all up in equal part . Then add what ever amendments you want then cook the soil for a month.

Google clackamas coots, no till living soil, probiotic farming, Korean natural farming technique.
This one does not contain biosolids. Any product containing biosolids must be labeled.


New Member
Worst potting/bed soil mix experience ever! The mix is chunky as others have described. We bought 27 bags and it killed all our plants in short order. Also, digging down about 10" the mix is very hot (measured at 128 deg. F.). This mix was not properly composted--it's still in the process of composting. Horrendous! I've now seen a good number of reviews on Home Depot's site that report the same issues. Avoid this mix, and this company, at all costs! They clearly don't care about properly preparing their products.