Keeping the plants from falling... TIMBER!!!!!!!!!!!

There are 6 plants measuring about 46" tall in a 4 x 4 foot hydro tray under a 1000 watt HPS that are about 4 weeks into flowering. Now that the buds are developing the weight seems to be pulling the plants down. One in particular keeps falling down. They are in 4 inch rockwool cubes and sitting on the tray with the white plastic film on top of the rockwool and tray to keep the moisture out and light away from the roots. My buddy recommended I use coco mat under the rockwool but I am afraid it may be too late for that because the roots need to grow into the coco as they develop. Any suggestions on how to keep these ladies planted? I have been trying to tie them down with string but it is a pain in the ass and I am afraid of how much worse it will get when the buds really get heavy. Thanks for any help!!!


Active Member
Yes, tying down can be pain in the arse but that's probably your only option at this point. Since they're 4 weeks old, they've completed their initial 'big stretch' and should stop getting much more height. Tie down in smalls amounts as you need to, you may find that stems/branches toughen up a bit more to support as it goes. Don't sweat it too much, you'll get there!
I just hate walking in the room and having the biggest tree on her side. :( The big reason behind her fallings is the main stem really curves out of the rockwool at such a degree it off balances the whole plant. I will fair through it for now...


at 18 inches i put a net across the room and my ladies have all the support they need. 4 inch pea netting is perfect.
great site btw