Keeping the ladies dry?


Well-Known Member
4 stakes and some clear insulating 6mil plastic... 20 bucks for 4 stakes and 1000 square feet of plastic.


Well-Known Member
if you are guerilla growing you are better off buying a fungicide and going out after each rain to shake moisture off of the plants.


Well-Known Member
By stakes do you mean 2x4 or something of the sort? An idk where you get your 6 mil I can only
find a 50x10 feet for like 40-60 bucks.


Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking.... This pop up gazebo tent thing I might uIda's the center to my garden and and drape plastic over that to cover the girls and maybe 4 sticks or something to keep everything up away from the plants? Think this would work well?


Well-Known Member
Oh also what is the difference between 3 mil and 6 mil I mean obviously the thickness but is that all? Would 3
mil work jus as well? Or should I jus go 6 mil


Well-Known Member
6mm will not rip very easy. I would not use 3mm myself. But I live in Oregon with lots of rain and big winds. Make sure what ever you use in tied down well.


Well-Known Member
5150 good advice man what you need to do is shake them every morning to get that mist off and dry them out then spray serenade in a 1 gallon pump sprayer to prevent the mold and keep it under control from spreading and burn any mold you find!


Well-Known Member
you should be able to find the clear 6mm plastic near insulation, tarps, or near painting supplies at any super center or hardware store. its less than 20 bucks


Well-Known Member
you should be able to find the clear 6mm plastic near insulation, tarps, or near painting supplies at any super center or hardware store. its less than 20 bucks
ya I have checked and all I find are
expensive ones m buddy was telling me the same thing too he was suprised I found it for so cheap


Well-Known Member
Ok so I tried using this e-z up thing last night with tarps dropping from it to cover a few of the bushie plants I jus went out at 8 to remove it will it hurt or effect the plant it if missed 2 hours of light? Jus wondering I'm hopping I will be able to get some plastic today and make a little something.


Well-Known Member
It may as long as no wind gust. Dew falls just like rain. So it should work. That being said if you get any rain it will collect in spots and crush your plants.

Smart move on the net job.

if you want to make your plastic connected to the pop up better check out the 2011 thread I posted above. It will show you how I set up my plastic on metal frames.


Well-Known Member
We'll it actually blew over lol and aalmost broke a window so I lowered it and took a chunk of plastic off lol so it wouldn be a kite but is this hhow you burn them?


Well-Known Member
Yah thats how I burn them. Can you do me favor. Post this pic and the results in my Stopping with mold with torch thread. Always nice to see results.

Yah torch it man. I done it three times now with 100% results. It's gone in that spot forever. Search your plants daily and catch it while it's small. That being said I never had a plant get it on more than a few spots. Two plants just got it once mid stem. But keep a good eye out. It can form anyplace on the main stem and even branches. Not sure how it effects the bud but I just know it stops and kills the mold.


Well-Known Member
Tie the legs to some cinder blocks or sandbags so it doesn't fly away on you.
Lol already did fly away on me I lowered it closer to the ground and tied 2 five gallon buckets to it to hold it down. Hope it works and then I'mma buy a few more pieces of PVC and make a tall but small one for the few that are out of it cuz I cut the one on the far left out so it's not under the plastic any more.