Keeping the bugs out


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone knew about creating a screen against insect infestation, like a box that could go around your plant. I know this would only work for patio growers like myself, but I had an idea of building a screen covered box to go around my plant that could keep out wandering bugs.

The only down side I can see is that it would A. have to be a big box to allow full growth of my plant, and B the screen would have to be loose enough to allow the sun in but be fine enough to keep out tiny bugs...(I know how small whiteflies and mites can be, but I'm just looking for some kind of protection from moths and some kind of deterrent).
I understand that this could be a stupid idea...I must admit, I smoke a lot of pot and my imagination sometimes gets away from me, but I was just wondering if anybody has tried or heard of someone who's tried to create a physical barrier around their plants.
Any thoughts???

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
GREAT idea.. but I don't think it is possible... It sounds like you have thought it out pretty well.. and I agree with most of what you have come up with....

The mesh would be to dense and block light or not dense enough and bugs will get in..

HAve you thought about getting some good insects to fight the bad ones..



Well-Known Member
I have thought about ladybugs, but I cannot resist the use of the beats down all day, and the plants I'm getting from it are big and fat, although I have had a problem with Caterpillars lately. I used a tobacco and pepper spray and meticulously have been examining her with tweezers...
the only problem with ladybugs is, don't they just fly away??
I mean, if I had a grow room...
Part of the problem is that we are moving in a month, and I don't know exactly where we're gonna end up...I wonder if a plexiglass case with airholes might work...not 100% but at least keep in the heat and moisture, deter any non-committed-to-eating-your-plant bug wandering by, and also cut smell and visibility by DEA helicopters. ...a mini greenhouse could work. DO they sell such a thing?


Active Member
i like your plexi glass could cut a few circular holes and put in a fiberglass filter to keep the bugs out (i bought some at home depot near the furnace filters...some blue stuff, really cheap) you could just cut the holes near the bottom to let in air, and the top could be plexi glass to let in sunlight....but it will need to be big