Keeping plants in 3 gallons


New Member
Im not one to be growing little plants, but i have my current big ones done. So all thats left now is my 3 galloners. Now this will be an outdoor grow. When should i pop the beans so they can safely be kept in 3 gallons for the grow season?


Well-Known Member
When they are done, they are done.
If that is all the room you're going to give, it doesn't matter when you germ. them.
What you should worry about is how long you veg them.


Active Member
I have tried to plant seedlings in bigger pots right away but soon realize that you have to be careful on how much water you give them (root rot/bugs/mold ect.)..kinda pain in the ass....just a indoor growers opinion..


Well-Known Member
This is a good time to plant pretty much everywhere now, and make sure you have good drainage in those pots. Peace