Keeping grow rights in AZ


Well-Known Member
I have found multiple locations to live very close to Phoenix that would allow me to cultivate.
I am contemplating renting out a room or two to patients wanting to keep grow rights.
Which would be better, renting to a grower or renting to a patient and become his caregiver?
A Grower. If a paitent don't have rent what are ya ganna do kick out a sick person that day i don't think so. If a grower couldn't pay rent im sure they would have something of value for you. (Hypothetically speaking of coarse)
I have heard the crackdown is comin on this thought process. DHS is catching on. Too many greedy growers registering 20 patients to a single address is some town in BFE.
Well, I'm considering moving my family out of state to be able to legally grow my own medicine.

It's a damn shame, since I've been a property owner in Arizona for over a decade and consider this place my permanent residence.

I'm ready to talk about any way to get grow rights legally, so I can stay here in AZ-

Please send me a PM...
DHS is currently writing recreational rules.
If you can't grow now do all you can to ensure you will be able to whenever the laws pass.
I read the newsletter this afternoon.

"After the decision of an unrelated incident (the previous paragraph was about HB DC) the Dept announced it is in the process of rewriting rules that govern AMMA including modifications of the 25 mile rule"
Are you talking about this-

We’re also planning to make some modifications to the “25-mile rule” (measuring by road rather than “as the crow flies”), eliminating the former “year 2” selection criteria for dispensaries by focusing on vacant CHAAs rather than patient density, and removing the lifetime disqualification for those applicants that receive a dispensary registration certificate but don’t execute.
Once we have an initial “straw-man” draft, we’ll solicit public comment and have oral proceedings just like we did for the original rules in 2011. We think we’ll be able to work through the process and establish the modified rules by the Fall of 2014.

no, that was already going to happen. Im scared to think there may be even more change coming
no, your grow rights expire when your card expires and you are not allowed to grow for another day after that. so you should plan your grow accordingly if you know you won't be approved to cultivate when you renew
that is what I thought. .
In the revision of the 25 mile rule to road miles....They say early fall. Any more specific date yet?
I have heard the crackdown is comin on this thought process. DHS is catching on. Too many greedy growers registering 20 patients to a single address is some town in BFE.

Is that so....

What crack down? There has been a crack down since day 1!

that is what I thought. .
In the revision of the 25 mile rule to road miles....They say early fall. Any more specific date yet?

What's this 25 mile rule you speak of?

The Common man cannot navigate through this Program..

Thank Mr. Sage @ the AzDHS
This whole situation is bullshit. changing it from as the crow flies doesn't really mean shit, they should expunge it completely or greatly reduce the milage (to like 10 miles or something)... Or just lower plant count. The way it is now we ARE being FORCED to overpay out the ass. They say its elective but when you have a debilitating medical condition and none of this is covered by ANY health insurance what do they expect you to do.. I mean we aren't supposed to drive(how are we supposed to get to work)

No other state has a radius law, I don't know how we do. Or what possesses these cunts to think that it's necessary.
My guess is, rich dispensary owners in other states came up with the idea, and generously gave $$$$$$ to MPP with the "suggestion" that a radius law might make uptight Arizona Republicans vote for their MMJ law.

And, I'm willing to bet some of those same rich dispensary owners from other states, are now dispensary owners here in Arizona.

They already know how lucrative it can be to run an all cash, high volume business.

Those so inclined could easily embezzle piles of cash with a quickness and still be considered a "non profit" by the state-
I completely agree pharma. My suspicions since day 1.
I mean this is arizona.

Nonprofit is completely BS by the way.. all you have to do is alter your salary every quarter to reflect how much money your company made... Or they just buy stuff with the company funds. cars etc...