Keepin those buds fresh


Sr. Verde

So how do you guys keep your buds fresh?

I live in a desert basically, and I have a larger tupperware jar that just barely fit an oz. I picked up the oz like 2 days ago and I swear the 8g or so thats left are way drier than before... When I picked them up they were spongy and now they are sort of dry but a bit sticky still...

I was wondering if I figured out some way to put a sponge in there (almost like a humidifier in a guitar) without having it touch the buds, would that be harmful? I open it like twice daily but I dont want to get the bud moldy...


Well-Known Member
vacuum seal that shit. you open a vacuum sealed bag after 3 months. smells just like it did when you put it in

Sr. Verde

I don't have any oranges at the moment :(

Any other ideas?

vacuum seal that shit. you open a vacuum sealed bag after 3 months. smells just like it did when you put it in
Yeah but I need access to it all the time, like I said I open the container like twice a day


I thought it was crazy when i first heard about using an orange peel but it works. It keeps your stash fresh, plus it gives it a citrus aroma when lit, pretty nice. The thing is you have to change out the orange peel every day or else you will get mold and no more smoke.

( 0 ) ( O )

Active Member
Dude this isn't rocket science, Why don't u put like a gram or two in a smaller container and once you've consumed that portion then go back to your main stash?????