keep the animals out?


Active Member
I am growing out doors right now and i live where there is a lot of deer around. They like to eat everything in sight. I am looking for some people that have experience with this and want to share some tips. Also its great to know how to keep out the other animals, pets, bugs, rodents. However i am looking for something that dosent have to be sprayed on my plants, unless it will wash off or its organic by the time i rollitup. I dont want to die from that ish. thanks


Well-Known Member
Shake-Away Deer is a safe and organic way to deter deer from your lawn and garden. Predator-scented granules are easy to apply and won’t harm plants, animals, or people. Great for use on lawns, bushes, trees, gardens, and flowerbeds. Shake-Away, 800-517-9207, SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
or a super cheap way is to put liquid soap around your grow area
deer hate the smell of humans and anything that smells like them that what i use


Well-Known Member
well deer are the least of my worries and there are alot of them ... i recently had 2 of mine dug up by some assface animal .. but i found the plants so i hope they are alright


Active Member
get some human hair and sprinkle it by ur plants_not on them though!
deer will stay away because it smells like humans


New Member
I usually wear an old sock around for a couple of days let it get good and stinky. Then cut it into thin strips and tie near your plants. As mentioned before deer hate human scent.

Big Kakuna

Active Member
I have seen many household pets stoned,

they start jumping around and shit.

But a freakin deer, it would probably go eat random plants, hoping it will get stoned again.


Active Member
yea man critters r digging mine up too about 80 plants so far i ordered some cyoete urine tied strips of rags and soaked them and placed them around also sprinkeld some cheyenne pepper around each plant and set some rat traps when them critters come sniffing around they get a nose full pepper when they jump they hit traps its been helping


Well-Known Member
u got major pest problems man.. im glad i dont have any rats .. just field mice .. which stick to fields .. not forest .. your common woodland critters squirelly the squirrel, skunky the skunk, beary the bear, chimpmunky the chipmunk, oppossumy the oppossum, raccoony the raccoon, and deery the deer