Keep American the official language!!!!

When I insert my credit union's card into the atm, it asks me if I want to continue in Spanish. The only way you can join my credit union is if you have a teaching credential, which means 100% of the members have passed the CBEST. The only way to pass the test is writing two essays, which require grammar skills surpassing your average English fluent American. The only reason it asks me if I want Spanish is because of PC bullshit. I get really tired of it. Obama is trying to make it a requirement anyone under 18 must attend high school. In order to graduate high school you must know English. This whole not having a official language is retarded. There were these nerd parents who taught their kids fluent Klingon. The kids were taken away when they refused to speak English to the social worker.

Try this experiment. Have your kids only speak Russian. Send them to public school. See if they ever get a diploma when they refuse English classes. There's no official language, huh?
english is already an official language in puerto rico. this guy wants to split hairs about whether they actually speak it. hawaii officially recognizes hawiian as an official language as well as english. i don't see him bitching about hawaii's statehood.

requiring an island of people who have grown up speaking the predominant language of their island to suddenly be forced to speak english is just stupid.

i will say that i have no problem with adopting a national language of english and a secondary language of spanish. like it or not, those are the two most spoken languages in the united states and acknowledging that could save us a lot of grief. i don't think it should be forced on us, especially if a majority doesn't want it, but it could help to break down some language barriers if some people would learn a little english and others would learn a little spanish. speaking broken spanglish to one another seems a lot more prosperous than isolationism and an enormous unspoken subclass that doesn't participate in society. communication is what fosters a sense of community and trust, not isolationism.

spanish is also a lot easier to learn for most people. an example is all the japanese baseball players that come play here in the majors. they usually learn some spanish first because it's a much easier transition from japanese than english, a lot of people speak it, and communication is the priority. are we or are we not trying to improve communication?

i almost shake my head to say it because even i can see how it might sound loony, but i try to acknowledge reality for the sake of moving forward. puerto rico's current language classification is fine. it's a fucking tropical island with its own culture. that needs to be acknowledged, not changed, before statehood is granted.
The school system isn't about education as much as assimilation and grooming good little obedient taxpayers.