Karmaxul goes legit... "Outdoor under quarantine". Worm castings and water


Well-Known Member
If this is better in organics or grow journals please let me know. As its outdoor I thought it best here.

Hello all, nice to be back online after many years. This year I am growing under the blanket of registration in an area where anything can happen quickly after mid October. Things are just starting to spin at the moment. Transplanted some clones yesterday into a fourty percent worm castings crossed with pro-mix bails, where I aim to keep the top damp at all times while, except on transplant of clones from cloner, giving dry feet towards the bottoms of pots. With nutrient cycling, constent moisture rates are a necessity for the top of the container. I chopped the tops today, careful, on most to cut above where the stem becomes hollow so they will bush out a bit. Im short on pots and have decent time while I wait for a couple more flavors to manifest in seed form. We will get to flavors later though that is what I grow for mostly.

Next things on the list is a light track though I will need three with three gavita's, I prefer blues, to cover the atrium which is about twenty four x fourty feet with eighty percent usable and sixty percent ideal which I hope to counter with shifting the lights for the sun hours, to the inner wall area on this west facing structure. I am hoping to finish and run heat to the garage from the outdoor wood stove, for a spring clone with clone king cloners, likely with a heat pump to assist in keeping it cool.

Planting will be in July on a clay based field, covered with painters fabric, until we expand and will likely use burlap, perhaps dyed white and some red, which I hope will allow me to finish some Kosher tangie a bit sooner. Perhaps up to a month which would be great as it stretches. Blue could help counter this so perhaps even go with some variant of purple to promote node compaction with increased phytochrome modulations to over shadow the blue extensions via limiting chloroplast conversion. I may try pink on stouter plants, that with a canopy cap, to get them in before canopy limit is reached. Id rather always gain canopy then stabilize it there while harvesting to keep it in check.

New tools I look forward to this year are a stapler for yard staples. There are two versions though the wasp is the lightest which comes at a price about two hundred dollars higher then the M50. Im sticking with a pneumatice golf hole maker and may make holes in the new canopy with an electric branding iron hooked to a small generator on a cart and water it first on a dry day with the over head sime sprinklers hooked to a high pressure honda pump and sixteen thousand gallon pool, pressure fed. Plenty of power to run two sprinklers and too much for full throttle with one, on a three inch hose, coupled with the proper distance nozzle for the field sizes.

Hoses will be replaced each year for strength and biofilms.

The goal is an hour of flavor after smoking a joint, with saturation. Nothing will be used except worm castings from a place called Fix It Farms.

I go with clones vs seeds as having a seed, thick and bushy, with winter light, would need a far higher energy draw to have them ready to transplant and the regulation watering them in golf hole size, thirty two ounce paper hot food container is hard enough with out heat that the June can bring. To counter the heat I am running four exhaust fans, when needed with three opening / shutters / one of which is a door though can open up to the house too for added flow if needed, depending on conditions. I would like to install one other shutter, perhaps in the corner.

Atrium is triple layer poly carbonate for the roof and much of the walls which is a far better insulator then thermal glass though not as bright which could be a blessing or a curse in different places with different needed instalations. There is an insulated, sixteen yards of stone process over straw bails, three years settled between tarps that is a radiant floor when needed as well as a fairly efficient air warming radiator infront of a decent sized fan. If the power goes out thermal mass can really help with cooling times though ideally I would insulate the floor and keep the openings on the edges to counter glass cooling from the thermal mass. I do have a higher power fan that may boost performance if really needed in the sub zero days. I would prefer that over the floor being warm.

A new well was being drilled today with four gallons per minute so far with some surface viens, one at sixty and another at thirty five feet. Hoping to go down to four hundred and twenty tomorrow with a lower water table I hope to hit at three hundred feet. Hope all is well for both old and new faces alike.

Ah yes, one more thing. Plant size. Im looking for short plants under four feet, with out a solid canopy profile, seen in bushes. Cones vs spheres. Hopefully with cross like branches that form a cross instead of a circle, from above. Ill work with what I have for now and stabilize with harvest modulations I think. A goal none the less if I can find a good structure cross to mix in while retaining flavor. Ill need a light dep for that first... The size is due to water needs in a given time and wind insurance, with out netting that only slows down harvest volume potential, pushing on time limits and wet trim machines. Im hoping to go full throttle with the highest registration, balancing expenses for non essential things to get me there. Ghetto styling with efficency. A lot depends if we hit a deep vien tomorrow and I will adjust the grow expansion to the water availability we have. I can pull a ocuple thousand gallons a day out of my other well with out issue. Im not sure where those viens are though it is two hundred and sixty feet, though about thirty feet closer to sea level. Im about four hundred and twenty feet above sea level.

With lasting mulch it is longer to warm up the soil. Straw can be mowed in though fabric requires, in some areas metal t posts to speed things up. For ease I ordered six hundred four footers to test out. About a third were put in before the freeze and once the ground thaws the rest will go to work.

There are a couple new added goodies I hope to test out and even modify perhaps to suit this supply list. Stay tuned, stay lifted, stay loving

One love


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