Karma can not be escaped

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I'm glad all you youngsters that are new to the scene know so much about Cannabis history.
Gypsy Nirvana is the name of his ex wifes tattoo shop and he is one evil person. He fucked me over in a way I could never begin to explain but many people know the story.
He shit on anyone that ever worked for him and was completely rude to almost everyone who ever met him.
By best friend Dannyboy died at his home in Amsterdam and Gypsy hid in the closet while the cops and me carried out Danny's Body.
Do a search on Plural of Mongoose or You Tube Gypsy you will find I am not the POS.

As far as what I do differently I own a legal collective, I pay taxes, I have no off shore accounts and we donate about 1/2 of what we make to those less unfortunate.

I basically have stopped posting here because I got out of 8th grade like 40 years ago and I have other things to do than answer the same questions or argue with people who have no facts but just want to argue.

Gypsy has been fucking over people for a long Long time and it caught up with him simple.

As far as the new heard of fledgling haters knock yourself out I been at this for 2 decades I have heard it all.


everybody knows who and what gypsy is.. he didn't go to jail for anything other than having a package of seeds being labeled to his name coming out of the us of a..
you may own a collective, but you're also a breeder, who sells your gear at u.k. based banks..
how do your beans get to the attitude sub?? does the hermie fairy take them over for you, or do you plop them in the mail like every other us based "breeder" and hope that they don't get caught between here and there??
I'm glad all you youngsters that are new to the scene know so much about Cannabis history.
Gypsy Nirvana is the name of his ex wifes tattoo shop and he is one evil person. He fucked me over in a way I could never begin to explain but many people know the story.
He shit on anyone that ever worked for him and was completely rude to almost everyone who ever met him.
By best friend Dannyboy died at his home in Amsterdam and Gypsy hid in the closet while the cops and me carried out Danny's Body.
Do a search on Plural of Mongoose or You Tube Gypsy you will find I am not the POS.

As far as what I do differently I own a legal collective, I pay taxes, I have no off shore accounts and we donate about 1/2 of what we make to those less unfortunate.

I basically have stopped posting here because I got out of 8th grade like 40 years ago and I have other things to do than answer the same questions or argue with people who have no facts but just want to argue.

Gypsy has been fucking over people for a long Long time and it caught up with him simple.

As far as the new heard of fledgling haters knock yourself out I been at this for 2 decades I have heard it all.

This is what i am saying sub. He treated others like shit and is now getting "His." Don't stoop to his level and do to him what hes done to you and others for it may come back at some point to bite you in the ass. But this comment right here
"I basically have stopped posting here because I got out of 8th grade like 40 years ago"
Is proved otherwise when you re-arrange another persons posts to talk crap about himself. That's VERY 8th grade like don't you think? No matter the circumstances, lowering yourself to someone elses level is childish. Shouldn't you be the man you are instead of the kid you once were? Turn the other cheek in other words?
He got ratted on, straight up. He was no more illegal than any other breeder in the states. I'm all for 'what goes around, comes around' but the guy doesn't deserve prison time for being a butthole, or offering questionable genetics. They still sold beans at a price nearly 10% of ALL competitors, I say A+ for that. I'd rather have some TGA myself but the low prices Nirvana had was enough to get many noobs interested in growing in general and that's a maor contribution IMO.. once said noobs grow mediocre buds, they were ready to step it up and order some TGA or other great genetics. Just my $.02.. & we're all part of the 'game.'

F*$k informants, sounds like to me all he did was try and give some shady characters a job that they couldn't handle.
Maybe he was a shady guy.. I do not think incarceration is suitable or anyone who hasn't harmed somebody else. If his company made products that weren't worth the price then Nirvana wouldn't have been around for so long. He also had 20+ (easily) years of experience.
Misplaced suppressed longterm anger regarding a deceased friend.
Expressing happiness about another breeder being incarcerated is so pathetic, it makes me think that your intellectual development was completely stunted, perhaps during your stays in the penitentiary.

What the F'k is a matter w you man. Nobody gives a F'k about your distant past beside you. Your future is dependent on how well you can manage your self esteem. I've been mostly tga neutral, but that's changing as you seem like one of the -most inmature-
mofos that has managed to make something of himself through hard work. take that vacay from the forum that you mentioned. speak w someone who isn't waxing yer sack.. that way you'll have the opportunity to learn to become more objective and professional. :cool:
Lol, just saying, to all of you telling sub what to do, he is a fully grown man. I am pretty sure he is old enough to make his decisions for himself and if he is talking shit about gypsy(which wasnt even really talking shit at all btw) then so be it, probably for a very good reason too. But Im with the majority that it is still very fucked up that gypsy got arrested and he does not deserve jail time IMO.
Misplaced suppressed longterm anger regarding a deceased friend.
Expressing happiness about another breeder being incarcerated is so pathetic, it makes me think that your intellectual development was completely stunted, perhaps during your stays in the penitentiary.

What the F'k is a matter w you man. Nobody gives a F'k about your distant past beside you. Your future is dependent on how well you can manage your self esteem. I've been mostly tga neutral, but that's changing as you seem like one of the -most inmature-
mofos that has managed to make something of himself through hard work. take that vacay from the forum that you mentioned. speak w someone who isn't waxing yer sack.. that way you'll have the opportunity to learn to become more objective and professional. :cool:

Well said.
Lol, just saying, to all of you telling sub what to do, he is a fully grown man. I am pretty sure he is old enough to make his decisions for himself and if he is talking shit about gypsy(which wasnt even really talking shit at all btw) then so be it, probably for a very good reason too. But Im with the majority that it is still very fucked up that gypsy got arrested and he does not deserve jail time IMO.
Age means nothing. Wisdom is gained through a combination of experience, education, and introspection. I have met many a grow man who is still a boy.
Lol, just saying, to all of you telling sub what to do, he is a fully grown man. I am pretty sure he is old enough to make his decisions for himself and if he is talking shit about gypsy(which wasnt even really talking shit at all btw) then so be it, probably for a very good reason too. But Im with the majority that it is still very fucked up that gypsy got arrested and he does not deserve jail time IMO.

nobody telling him what to do from what i saw, just people calling him on his hypocrisy..
Misplaced suppressed longterm anger regarding a deceased friend.
Expressing happiness about another breeder being incarcerated is so pathetic, it makes me think that your intellectual development was completely stunted, perhaps during your stays in the penitentiary.

What the F'k is a matter w you man. Nobody gives a F'k about your distant past beside you. Your future is dependent on how well you can manage your self esteem. I've been mostly tga neutral, but that's changing as you seem like one of the -most inmature-
mofos that has managed to make something of himself through hard work. take that vacay from the forum that you mentioned. speak w someone who isn't waxing yer sack.. that way you'll have the opportunity to learn to become more objective and professional. :cool:
In what instance was he expressing happiness about the situation? He merely claimed what goes around comes around, however harsh that may be I think you are all blowing it a bit out of proportion here. As for his past, the information provided was relevant to the topic at hand...so I give a couple fucks to be honest. You are calling sub immature and then you go about calling his followers sack waxers... Seriously seems like you guys have got some bottled up emotions towards sub or something:wall:

nobody telling him what to do from what i saw, just people calling him on his hypocrisy..

I noticed it a couple times, I'm not going to go back through and start pointing fingers however, just saying.
Sounds like sombodys gettin a little too big for their britches....strike #2 on ur character in the last 24hours...n these are deep wounds not soon forgotten...its a damn shame to tel u the truth...ur sppsd to be a leader and a role model in this industry not an example of what NOT to b...I mean whats REALLY goin on...is this the real u or u on somthin bro?....comin from someone whos done their share of prison time as u claim u have...its pretty disgusting u find pleasure in another man losing his freedom.....I was nvr mad at u man for changing my words in my posts...I found it laughable n immediately showed it to my wife n had a laugh...n to b honest it touched me a little by makin me realize I must b doin somthin rite to even get ur attention ...but layin in bed thinkin quietly to myself last nite I put myself in ur shoes....I hope ur ok man I dont have hard feelings towards u like that...I mean hell its just a weed forum I really dont take it that serious...I think u need to step away from the keyboard for a while man n get a perspective on things....real talk.
I just bought seeds from Nirvanashop like a week ago. Didn't have any problems with delivery or sending them cash. Got em like 5 days later... Seeds are doing good too so what's up about that?
stop with the personal threats, vulgar language , and excessive name calling
my bad on language and some name calling. nevermind anything I said, I've just been a little disappointed how things have been going in MY life lately. peace all... as we are all connected to one another, however elusive that may b
I just bought seeds from Nirvanashop like a week ago. Didn't have any problems with delivery or sending them cash. Got em like 5 days later... Seeds are doing good too so what's up about that?

just to make it clear, nirvana seeds and gypsy nirvana are two very different things..
gypsy owns(ed) gypsy nirvana seed boutique..
I know, I know... my bad, lol. My opinions still stand though I have no experience with seed boutique- that's not the issue. Guy still doesn't deserve jail time if you ask me; I would hide from the cops as well. No cop is a good cop. I hate to hear that Sub lost a friend, but Gypsy couldn't have changed that whether he hid or not.
I'm glad all you youngsters that are new to the scene know so much about Cannabis history.
Gypsy Nirvana is the name of his ex wifes tattoo shop and he is one evil person. He fucked me over in a way I could never begin to explain but many people know the story.
He shit on anyone that ever worked for him and was completely rude to almost everyone who ever met him.
By best friend Dannyboy died at his home in Amsterdam and Gypsy hid in the closet while the cops and me carried out Danny's Body.
Do a search on Plural of Mongoose or You Tube Gypsy you will find I am not the POS.

As far as what I do differently I own a legal collective, I pay taxes, I have no off shore accounts and we donate about 1/2 of what we make to those less unfortunate.

I basically have stopped posting here because I got out of 8th grade like 40 years ago and I have other things to do than answer the same questions or argue with people who have no facts but just want to argue.

Gypsy has been fucking over people for a long Long time and it caught up with him simple.

As far as the new heard of fledgling haters knock yourself out I been at this for 2 decades I have heard it all.


Sub, don't know you, but if anyone has heard it all probably you and me have....we were right in the middle of it. I got smart - I never personally rubbed elbows except via emails and posts. I don't trust folks in this biz as far as I can spit and would never get involved with them.

Plural of Mongoose, the "bring popcorn" to court guy, that had everyone going in the old days, the phoney plays, threats, of taking him to court. Even said he was physically attacked by Gypsy (Gypsy is supposedly a black belt). Gypsy this, Gypsy that. Was a bass player in a band. Owned a jag, big apartment, millionaire - the rich and famous, hah! Remember the YouTube of Gypsy busting up someone in a bar? That be Mongoose.

The IC Mag stuff..... BOG and Rez, Gypsy's pets....blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, I remember it all and have hundreds of old posts and emails still on my HD. What idiotic drama with certain members in the now defunct OG, CW, and Planet Ganja (some of my old haunts) playing it up like it was the latest Oprah episode. Shabang? Gadabout? Soul and Sly, Erliquin, me......

Well, after corresponding with Gypsy sometimes twice a day and then everyone getting caught up in the drama, watching the Royal Canadian Police pop "Ron" and Heaven's Stairway, seems nothing has changed except for more shady businesses.

I'm sorry this happened though but it's going to happen to the best of us (them). I do have to thank Gypsy for his generous free gifts sent to me, like the Zamal seeds he personally got from Christophe on Reunion Island, the Sag and TFD beans, and.........

Wanna see some dirt I saved? This will catch your attention. It is an email conversation between me and Erliquin years ago. I'm sure you knew of Erl, he was a fine hydro Aussie grower, mod at OG. He's the one answering my questions. He had the inside facts on the whole Gypsy/Bog/Rez/POG drama.

(Me)>>>BOG and Rezdog have formed an "alliance".

(Erl)Of course, they both flog total shite and they both know nothing about plants period. It's all bullshit and they get the newbies. That's their target clientel.

>>>Who is this guy, "Plural of Mongoose"? What's his story?

POM (as he is known) used to be NAG. NAG was NotAGrower. NAG had a grow room catch fire, because the building next to his (where his grow room was) went up too. Yep, both buildings. Bad luck caper.

He decided to run to Amsterdam, rather than go down for a charred up grow the LEO found in the remains of a double building blaze. He's on the run forever from Uncle Sam.

So he re-invented himself as POM in Amsterdam and quickly set himself up as the cyber IT sort for Gypsy. He is after all IT trained, as per his past career when he was in the US.

Now there was a time too, when ~S was in hiatus, where POM was going to make for Gypsy a new Overgrow-like-site. It neve r came to be, as ~S returned and with that, Gypsy's old fued with arch-rival RC was settled by ~S. But it was on the cards. It came close. Gypsy is after all a millionaire, dominates some 70% of the cyber seed $lease business and could easily afford to set it up (20k USD for the server hardware) plus run the bandwidth costs as a legal tax break out of his bean sales. You do know btw, that Gypsy's Jag is over 100k USD and if you had any idea on what the price of real estate is in Amsterdam and London, you'd be left in no doubts. I'm talking 1 million USD for an apartment house. (btw, BOG drove the Jag down the autobarns of Germany with Gypsy, so they're all thick as thieves mate. I could tell you more about how much Gypsy makes).

Anyway, POM is on the interpol list because the US law would have -- through the usual police work channels -- seen that he had run. They'd have checked passports ect when his war rant for arrest are issued. It's all computerised these days. The Australian Federal Police do such things, your LEO would be no different.

This is why he'll do anything to keep Gypsy happy. His anal virginity is on the line. Grow room bust is one thing, even an op like he had, but running from the law, esp. OS, would be a 'pound-you-in-the-arse-federal-pound' time, attorney or not. He knows his fate if extradited. He needs Gypsy to keep him employed, or at least long enough so he can find enough of a footing to solo it alone, without being booted out of the country. So expect him to back Gypsy and Gypsy's pets BOG & Rez to an absurd degree, coz POM has more at stake than you thought (though now you know his story). ;-)

Take care
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