Kannabia seeds Gnomo Automatic?

hey was gunna grow some autoflowerers and was doing some research has anyone heard of Kannabia seeds Gnomo Automatic or even better grown some i would like to know how well they do. does anyone have any other recomendations/ ones to stay away from ?? its my understading that a lot of so called autoflowering seeds dont actualy autoflower and tend to be realy week. any advise will be much apreaciated.:bigjoint::weed:


Well-Known Member
since you asked this, and I see some other more experienced growers are logging their grows on Gnomo here, but I thought I'd reply.

I'm in week 8 going on 9 of a gnomo grow. Guess I'd say I'm intermediate so far as experience goes. This is the first time I've used non-bagseed. I have had a couple of grows produce some reasonable quantity but they hermed out on me. Still got a bit of halfway decent smoke and cannabutter out of it but didn't seem worth the effort and worry.

I got 5 fem'd seeds of the gnomo and every one popped in 24hrs and turned out female, more than I was expecting so I've got my hands full now :)

The genetics don't seem to be quite consistent but I can't complain. Three came out as very vertical with strong central stems. One started out with a nice little pyramidial habit and we thought she would be the superstar. The fifth, or "runt", looked like an aberration; seemingly weeks behind the others in growth, although looking at it under high magnif. it was growing ok and even showed tiny female hairs not long behind the others. These girlies showed sex in like 2 weeks from seed I think. (haven't been logging it real close)

I didn't bother with trying to train these. They have stayed very short and I don't think I'll be forced to mvoe them to a bigger cabinet before they're done.

Got weird about week 6. Started seeing problems at leaf tips and brown blotches on the leaves, on the 3 vertical ones and then a different looking leaf issue on the pyramid type. Adjusted the nutes according to the soil tests and the 3 verticals have improved but still don't look super-healthy, while the pyramid looks pretty tragic but keeps developing, if slowly. The verticals don't have many fan leaves at all. The "runt" meanwhile looks awesome (in the 5 and 8-9wk group pics pics she is back row center). I think some types in this gene pool are kinda picky and/or sickly. But most are budding up like crazy.

They've been on 20/4 with a high-output 110w fluoro fixture on veg spectrum plus two LED 14w sidelights this whole time. Going to change the tubes out to the warm spectrum set this evening. I've put it off because the Runt was still a little behind but I really don't think it's strictly necessary to change bulbs or even short the light period for the autos, though I hope the bulb change will help them finish up sooner. The trichs are becoming less clear now, I think. I expect I'll start giving them only water pretty soon.

Growing these in foxfarm ocean soil and feeding with foxfarm grow big, with a little here and there of ff open sesame, ff big bloom, maxicrop seaweed, superthrive, organic humic acid soil tonic, and epsom. started off using distilled water but am now mostly just using 2-stage filtered water in one of those gallon Pur dispensers.

So, you might not have a great experience if you just start one seed, since it's not a super-consistent strain yet, and you might end up with one of the really picky ones. But I've been pretty impressed so far.

I was considering taking a test snip today but instead took the least-budded little sprig from the bottom of Runt and trimmed it off to see if I could re-veg one little clone (yes, I know it's late in the game and maybe autos can't even be re-veged, just thought I'd try one). I trimmed off the tiny budding areas and a leaf or two from the stem before planting and just ate those buts outright rather than waste them. And am now pleasantly buzzed even on a pinch of immature budlets :)

Got lung problems so I can't smoke much anyway; am glad I'll have some extra to try making glycerine drops, more cannabutter etc. Will save the best stuff for the smoker in the house.




Well-Known Member
Just in case someone does check this in the future for Gnomo information... some more thoughts.

All 5 seeds seemed to have a thick membrane inside the seed that stuck to the seedling and had to be removed (with tweezers and extreme care of course) from the neck of the seedling to prevent damping off or 'choking'. Not one of them just dissolved off by itself. Just thought it was odd, not sure if that's a characteristic of ruderalis or what, but I had never noticed this before with my typically sativa-dominant bagseed grows.

At nine weeks, the shortest plant is only about 7" tall; the rest range from 10-13+". Expect the "runt" which lagged behind for a while but is now bursting out could get as big as 18".

Also, the odor of this strain is strong imo. Masking it is becoming an issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm just going to keep posting here, not sure if this should be moved elsewhere as it isn't really a log, just a description of what I'm seeing with the Gnomo.

I did a partial harvest last night; the top half of the tallest and most mature plant, which has some more buds lower down that look like a few more days would benefit them, and the entire shortest plant which seemed to have been the most sickly/wavering. The shorty has such short internodes it was hard to see what was going on in there but I could detect no more white pistils and it looked tired so I cut it. Both were very sticky. I have never gotten such serious all-girl buds before but did my best trimming. I left some smaller leaves that stuck out some but were covered with crystals. Drying them on a screen over a photocatalytic light bulb (cfl) for gentle heat and to help keep them "clean" and with a pc fan moving air over them. Seems to be working well. The large bud was 17g after trimming, down to 10g after about 20 hours of dry time.

As mentioned, these are some stinky plants and odor has been out of control over the last few days. Making me very nervous as I live in an Anti-Happiness-Of-All-Kinds state and they won't care that I am not growing to sell and didn't even mean to end up with 5 whole plants (however small). But I expect to be done harvesting by next weekend and all should then be well.

The odor in the air is a really pungent, funky but not unpleasant one, however I could not get the smell off my fingers after trimming and concentrated like that it smells of musky cat pee--and let me tell you, I knows mah musky cat pee. Unfortunately. Starting to think we should adopt a couple of skunks as cover.


Well-Known Member
Gnomo: not a waste of time!

First partial harvest got about 18g dry, mostly bud.

Tried one bowl split between two people last night. Burned a long time, good even buzz, moderately long lasting as a smoke, easygoing return to normal without a letdown. Smooth smoke despite a fuel-y kind of smell in the bad. Good pain relieving qualities and relaxing. Not a drop dead stone but haven't really tried for one of those yet. The next cuttings will be riper, more amber trichs, perhaps stronger.

The variety hasn't been uniformly vigorous but most have produced a lot of bud for the total size of the plant, and produced it quickly and without taking up much space at all. Really glad I tried it. Better than anything we've been able to get ahold of in the last two years.


Well-Known Member
Kannabia seems like a cool little company.

I tried out their Mataro Blue (Free from Attitude) and it is a great strain so far, short and dense and seems to be a very stable strain! I'll re-post when I have them in flower, great so far though :)


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to seeing that, Gnomo has Mataro Blue in its parentage so I'm curious to see which of my little weirdos take most after that type. Are you doing soil or hydro?

Thanks for checking in!


Well-Known Member
kannabia hasn't sent me any bunk seed yet. i too got their mataro blue and am happy so far.
im not a big autoflower fan, my experience in that dept is with diesel ryder, lowryder#2 so this was a nice read for me


Well-Known Member
hey ting,

I would definitely try Kannabia again after these hefty beans. Got mine from Attitude. Was going to try the diesel ryder next round, did they not do too well?

I got the autos out of desperation (compeltely out for ages) and it worked fast for me. I do want to try non-auto strains again when I can build the grow box I've been thinking about. These were able to finish this whole cycle in the box I originally used for vegging, in my only other couple of attempts. Made it a lot easier.

Just so damn glad to have some relief again!


Well-Known Member
Started out with 5 plants, harvested one and a half plants 9 days ago, the other half 5 days ago. These pics are the last three; the one on the left has been picky no matter what I do for it, but the buds are heavily developing; the one on the right, who started out a runt, is almost ready, and the one in the middle was ready to go from top to bottom so I harvested it. Middle plant was 64 grams at cutting. Also have a pic of the main bud and budlets. There were also some leaves but as you can see it wasn't a very leafy plant. The main bud is 7.5" long (not including stem). So far these tiny plants are paying off. I'm taking a cue from fdd2blk and not rushing them... would rather they be nice and ripe, and the odor has improved with more flushing.



Well-Known Member
Researched higher dosages yesterday :eyesmoke:

I will let my guard down a tad and say that the two subjects were me (f.) and my husband, neither of us accustomed to regular weed use in recent years. 40sumtins.

We started with brownies in the early afternoon and continued with a smoke and another half brownie each later. He also drank beer. We each had one round of munchies, at different times. Watched sports and movies and chillled on the couch.

The weed is very effective for pain, both chronic and from overexertion. Goes right to the places that hurt.

Very nice for improving mood--relaxing without being overly sedative. I was expecting more couchlock. Husband usually gets pissed off at the TV when watching sports, yesterday he was more amused and less annoyed.

Not chatty weed but neither did we sit silently not talking, a little good conversation and we didn't have any trouble communicating.

It is not trippy stuff. Even when I felt very high, I didn't have any WTFisgoingon? moments. Which is fine, there's other kinds out there for that.

It didn't make us sleepy but I slept well once I did go to bed. Husband is still sleeping so I assume same for him.

All in all, a good variety for pain and for shedding your worries at the end of the day without getting goofy as hell. Really good for anxiety.

Today I will experiment with trying to be productive on lower amounts. Among my chores today is finishing my little harvest. Should be pleasant. The growing has been almost as theraputic as the smoking. I love being around my girls. Thought I would be relieved at not having the risk for a while but I'll miss visiting them.


Well-Known Member
This has been a gradual harvest, where I have usually taken only half of a plant or only one plant, and doing it days apart. It was all finished up today, with the last plant and a half a little over eleven weeks and both showing maybe 10% amber trichs.


The half plant is the one that started out as a runt and then went crazy and became a nice bushy girl with two main stalks. The other is a plant that always had a few sickly looking leaves even after I adjusted the nutes to the satisfaction of the other plants, but despite the somewhat sad appearance it promised to be a monster bud, at least by our standards, and so it was. After taking off the lower branched budlets, the main cola was 9" long and hefty, weighing 44 grams (1.55oz) right after trimming. I think it reasonable to assume that this will end up being a half-ounce or better by itself.

Here is what the sickly looking plant yielded (minus the nasty looking leaves; there wasn't much leaf period here):


Here's what the remainder of the "runt" looked like. The closeup here is taken through a loupe:


Although the gradual pace has worked out well, in that I could harvest and dry a good sized amount of material and put it away before doing the next, and it didn't take over a giant area or become tedious like a whole mass would have been, the drawback is that I've kind of lost track of how much these five plants will have produced. We've already used about 3/4 oz of bud plus maybe another 8th of leaves to make cannaoil and a glycerin tincture. We've also smoked a bit of each plant as they dried.

After this dries out I will gather up and weigh everything and try to at least post a ballpark for yield. My conservative guess is about 2.5 ounces. There is a low percentage of leaf material on average and what there is is so sticky it's barely worth trimming off.

And we have been eating or smoking some just about every day for a couple of weeks now, with much mellowness. And we've only been a tiny bit lazier than usual ;)


Well-Known Member
My conservative estimate seems to be the right one; after removing sickly leaves and probably overdrying, I think we ended up with a total of about 2.5 ounces of sticky dry material, about 90% bud. Again, hard to say because I didn't keep very good track of what we used to make cannaoil and tincture. I reserved samples of top bud for smoking or vaping but we will be ingesting mostly.

This should have us set for a while yet, but I am glad all 5 seeds popped and that they were all female. Will probably have to grow again sooner than I'd thought but now that I know I can do autos this fast, it's less to worry about.


from kannabia only flash and gnomo are classical automatic strains, the other strains are slower outdoor ryders, with retarded flowering, not just like other companies ryders/flowering start week 2/ they start flowering in week four or five and the if you grow them on 20/4 or 18/6 cycle, the process will be retarded in 3 months or 3 months and a half :). What was the yield per plant/ dry buds/? I'm now in week 2 with the same strain but I use 600w hps 18/6 cycle:)


Well-Known Member
from kannabia only flash and gnomo are classical automatic strains, the other strains are slower outdoor ryders, with retarded flowering, not just like other companies ryders/flowering start week 2/ they start flowering in week four or five and the if you grow them on 20/4 or 18/6 cycle, the process will be retarded in 3 months or 3 months and a half :). What was the yield per plant/ dry buds/? I'm now in week 2 with the same strain but I use 600w hps 18/6 cycle:)
Hey, sorry for the late reply. Haven't been back much but coming around again starting a new mini grow, with Diesel Ryder and one Rocklock I got for free. So I'm kinda bummed to hear what you say about Ryders! Or do you mean just from Kannabia? my 3 femd DRs are from the Joint Doctor's High Bred Seeds. The Rocklock is a photoperiod and is feminized, from DNA Genetics. Supposed to be a small plant and short flowering period, I was hoping I could grow it ok with the DR in the same small cab I used for the Gnomos.

I use a high-output fluoro fixture and LED side lights and kept the gnomos on 20/4 the whole time. had a little trouble keeping temps manageable and the occasional nute/bug problem but didn't lose any plants. You can find more details in this thread. Anyway I can't really tell you for sure on yield since it was a gradual harvest and we used some early on without weighing real carefully. but I guess the Gnomo gave up an average of about a half ounce of almost all bud and super-sticky small leaves per plant, dry. For people who grow to sell that doesn't sound like much, but for the amount of space and trouble it took, it was a good return. Just growing for ourselves. We've had plenty and shared some and aren't worried about running dry before the next batch finishes. Turned most of it into canna oil, we both prefer ingestion to smoking.

I'd grow Gnomo again, but want to try other strains. need to build a bigger cab and a good power backup before I try more photoperiod, we have a lot of power outages around here.

popped the 3 diesel ryders and the rocklock this week, doing well in jiffy pellets and transplanting to foxfarm soil this weekend.

good luck with your Gnomos!


Well-Known Member
from kannabia only flash and gnomo are classical automatic strains, the other strains are slower outdoor ryders, with retarded flowering, not just like other companies ryders/flowering start week 2/ they start flowering in week four or five and the if you grow them on 20/4 or 18/6 cycle, the process will be retarded in 3 months or 3 months and a half :). What was the yield per plant/ dry buds/? I'm now in week 2 with the same strain but I use 600w hps 18/6 cycle:)
I've got a Kannabia Flash that's about 3 weeks away from harvest. I got one Flash seed from Attitude with my latest order. On their website, they don't provide some important information.......wheat zetex13 posted it, (Thanks for that). I had them in the soil, under 20/4 lighting, for nearly a month. Then, I went to Kannabia's website and found the information about Flash. I put her under 12/12 on June 23. And I am glad I didn't have the complete info on this strain when I planted it. She is now over 3 feet tall, budsites all over her. She's healthy and, even though it's an auto, I'm looking at getting at least 2 ounces dried and cured. I have a feeling that my Flash is going to be very good to me!! Peace! bongsmilie
PS: Great job on your grow, a9ymous!!