Horrible news! If anyone has any info at all PLEASE chime in now! I found spidermites underneath a couple of the KK leaves and saw a couple "yellow dots" on the first 2 leaves of my 2 newborn WW's which can be tale-tale signs of spidermites. Those F'ers ravished a purple plant I had bout a year ago. I know that they hate moisture so I put her in my kitchen sink and soaked the hell outta her. I used the sink sprayer thingy to blast her off from head to toe paying special attention to rinse the under side of the leaves thoroughly. The problem with these things are that they are born pregnant so if even just a couple eggs get left behind it doesn't take long before they can blow up in population again. Does anyone know how to deal with these things before they do any serious damage? She is looking WAY to strong for this shit to happen! I'm thinking about trying predator mites but it would take time to order them and have them mailed to me. Also, I'm a little worried about letting these things go in my house. Has anyone ever used them before? I'm thinking about trying "photoseiulus persimilis". After they eat all the spider mites, what I've read says that they then start eating each other till they are all gone essentially cleaning up after themselves. But all I know about them is the little bit I read on the internet.