Concord Dawn
Well-Known Member
so i guess the tin foil over the soil is no good, LoL.
Its not what the gnats dude, its what the larvae do, the feed on your roots, and can actually damage your rooting system causing stunted growth or overall bad plant health.yeah I've definately had the gnats from MG soil before but it's never bothered me in the past cause I keep lots of sticky pest strips in the room with them. Little boogers seem to go right to 'em then BAM, there are stuck and dead!
Thanx again. I am forever a work in progress, and always trying to learn more. And don't worry, I haven't watered them since they were flushed. I'll wait till the end of the weak like you suggested.Its not what the gnats dude, its what the larvae do, the feed on your roots, and can actually damage your rooting system causing stunted growth or overall bad plant health.
Good call a good natural way to get rid of gnat larvae is Cinnamon. It kills the fungus they feed off, no food no larvae, no gnats.Thanx again. I am forever a work in progress, and always trying to learn more. And don't worry, I haven't watered them since they were flushed. I'll wait till the end of the weak like you suggested.
Yea leaves are o so important to good buds, i dont even trim the bottem ones off unless they really arent getting light.They are starting to pep up a bit but I'm not gonna waste time putting up more pics till it looks a lot better than the last pics. She still looks the same now as the last pics but it appears the curling leaves are starting to get some pep back into their step. I definately stunted the growth though with overwatering and too much nutes. I new better than to nute so hard with the fertillized soil but did so anyways. On my very first grow I burnt EVERY single leaf off the plant but continued flowering it. It looked wild man b/c it was covered in bud (not good bud though, very loose and fluffy) but didn't have a single leaf on it, I mean not even one!
Yea miracle grow compacts a lot and holds lots of water i bet you the bottom of your soil was pretty much water logged. When you water you just wanna wet the top part thoroughly if it starts to puddle up and stay up top for a little before seeking down that's to much. This link may help you out a bit. top couple inches of soil was bone dry but you were totally right John the other day. I pushed my finger into the heart of the soil and it was still plenty wet.
Hiya doin Concord, on the need for a dark period, sorry but I dont buy what your saying, myself. During the light period, plants are photosynthesising (ie making sugar and producing oxygen, using up CO2) and theyre respiring (breaking down sugar to release energy for growth and maintenance). Respiration happens at full tilt during the lights on time, cos theres a constant maximum supply (ideally) of sugar available from photosynthesis. In fact they store it as starch, or send it down to the roots and stem for growth. If the lights go off, then theres still plenty of carbohydrate about, but sugar levels would start to drop soon enough, and starch would start to be broken down to provide sugar. Seems to me that respiration slows down during a lights off time, but its not independent of oxygen. Its the dropping O2 levels (its not being produced in the leaves in the dark) that cause the slow down in respiration, as much as the dropping sugar levels is responsible.thanks mass, that was a good lookin plant there, no nutes huh? LoL. im using jungle growth potting mix, its the first time i've used a soil mix with nutes in it. thats pretty cool man. i am also using grandma's molasses for the first time and from what ive read, you can use it from seedling all the way to flushing, guess we'll find out. what strain did you get remi? also, heres something about light cycles from rollitup himself.
Why do you need DARK PERIOD light cycles
The dark cycle is very important to growing marijuana. Respiration ( this is when the marijuana plants are making energy from sugar and oxygen) continues in the dark period but at a much slower rate, almost independent of available oxygen because the leaves of the weed are not making oxygen in the dark.
In the dark, there is a shift from leaf production to root production as the leaves transfer excess stored energy down to the branches and to the roots. Therefore, some dark time allows for better root structures.
Another article will be written on why a 24-hour light cycle is not the way to supercharge root growth of your marijuana plants.
Hey, masscom, good to be on board. I've had multiple problems in pretty much every grow Ive done, overnutes, undernutes, pH probs, overwatering, mites, root rot, you name it. But weed is such a resilient plant, and with hydro u can quickly rectify many problems as long as you can identify them. I still got great buds. Back in the day I did back-to-back grows of 100 plants sog under 2000Watts HPS in rockwool slabs. And despite going from one fuck up to another (its a stoners lot), we had a serious amount of great weed.Thanx 4 stopping by professor. +rep back to ya. Lets play nice. This is what we should all be looking for though. Different perspectives so that all avenues are investigated. Only then will we really know what works best. And hey CD, ur input is always welcome, wanted, and respected in my threads. My leaves are slowly starting to unroll and look better. I'll put up new pics in a couple days. I'm so glad to see ur in the soil and on ur way CD! I read ur first grow thread today. Man thanx for making me feel better. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who blew their first grow. LOL!
So young. So angry. Damn that rap music.