Kandy Kush and Lemon Haze


Active Member
I have what seems to be a pretty good pattern going on.

Seeds sit in water for 24 hours.
Seeds sit in paper towel for 24 hours.
Seeds germinated, put in soil, sprouted in 24 hours.

3 days total..

2 Kandy Kush 2 Lemon Haze.
New cycle 001.jpgNew cycle 002.jpgNew cycle 003.jpgNew cycle 006.jpgNew cycle 007.jpgNew cycle 008.jpg


Active Member
Week 2.

Progress seems to be going slow.
I am guessing that is just how it is with cfls sometimes?
Maybe I could increase wattage as they are only 30w.
Little nutrients will be added next water in a day or 2, hoping to see some faster results after feeding.
week2 017.jpgweek2 018.jpgweek2 019.jpgweek2 020.jpgweek2 021.jpgweek2 022.jpgweek2 023.jpgweek2 024.jpg


Active Member
Lol well thanks man.
It's part of a sleeve, and yes if you want good ink you must pay. I learned my lesson by getting my first done by a basement dweller.


Active Member
5 weeks 5 days slow progress.
Is that normal for cfl?
Well I did only have 13w bulbs on them until a few days ago i added the 23w bulbs.

Took 1 of each plant and put them into the flower box.
Think I am only going to run 2 plants in veg and 2 in flower from now on.

Really wanting to do a nice scrog with the two left in veg.
Have a new box on the way with lots of room :)

day 45 001.jpgday 45 002.jpgday 45 003.jpgday 45 004.jpgday 45 005.jpgday 45 006.jpg

Flower day 5 (total 5weeks5days)
day 45 009.jpgday 45 010.jpgday 45 011.jpg

Topped them all.
Think I got 1 fim out of it.