LMMFAO!!! So here goes...
Went to the DAM this past summer and was the first time in 13 trips that I could smoke. The first 12 trips were in the ARMY, and I was
ALWAYS the one to get "
randomly" tested, so I was so damn paranoid about smoking there I'd just bang a bag of boomers and call it a night.
So the wife and I are on our first day there, several steps outside Centraal Station, and I remember The Grasshopper Coffeeshop, literally on the main drag into Amsterdam where I took my brother for New Years 2002. She doesn't smoke, but knew the importance of getting me set up before we site-see, so went straight there. Head downstairs at about 11 AM, not many people there yet, and I see Kali Mist at the top of the menu.
Now, a little backstory on this, I drove my mother to Toronto in 2008 specifically for this strain. She's a strictly sativa woman, and this was to be the first ever strain that I grew, and it was to be a bonding experience with her as I'd been away for about 7 years, and never shared the love of the plant with her, though she'd been growing for 20 years. We get to Toronto after a 7 hour drive only to find out they're sold out... PFFFT!! Screw Ontario Seed Bank!
So here I am, day 1 in the DAM and Kali Mist is staring at me. I
immediately over-pay for it @ 30 euros for a gram... yes...
THAT much... Proceed to try to roll a spliff, but having some trouble as we don't have king papers and roach filters here in the NE, but I will do as the locals do, and struggle through a somewhat respectable roll job.
Rip down about half a j and the wife is getting to the end of her tolerance so I decide to put it out, and take the rest with me as I REALLY don't need to smoke the whole gram by myself even though my tolerance is pretty high from smoking my own jank at home. Here's where shit gets real man...
She wants to go to the Anne Frank house... yes, where all the Holocaust shit went down, THAT Anne Frank house. Sigh... ok wifey, I'll go with you
Get there and the line is like 300 people long. For the next 45 minutes I get to hear about how bad I smell like marijuana with this half a j in my pocket, so I ditch it before we walk in.
Feel like I'm on goddamn cocaine in this quiet ass museum tour with all these people staring at me (obviously not a lot of potheads go check out the ACTUAL history of the city while they're there) for the next hour or so. Holy shit son! Too much for me to handle! This shit had me walking above my shoes man!
THAT being said, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this strain and the high I got off of it, unfortunately I experienced it in the WRONG atmosphere. I'd imagine the price was derived from 2 things: The length of flowering time and ability to handle the height of the plant, and the fact that it was RIGHT on the main drag of Amsterdam as the shops off the beaten path were much more reasonable on their prices.
I WILL tackle this strain again soon. I've got several years of growing under my belt, and feel I can control the plant enough to see it all the way through to finish despite my 4.5' height limit. The length of flowering time is absolutely no concern to me for the quality and type of high this delivers. I will try to find the same in a more manageable plant with shorter flowering time, but this certainly is one to re-visit! HIGHLY RECCOMENDED!!!