k got some pics of my setup!!! what do ya think


Active Member
I have 10 26wt 6500k CFLs
4-4ft-40wt tube flouros 2-6500 2-2700k
I have a baby fan 8in blowing down the middle of the plants(6 plants)And a large fan that I use to blow in fresh in at the doorway at least a couple a day.My soil is for shit but I have some good stuff for when I transplant.My temp is always around 70f give or take. I just cant seem to get the humitidy up! Whats a good way to get the humitidy up and whats the ideal level?I put a solo cup of water in there with the plants but it did'nt seem to help.A bigger container of water?



Active Member
great lookin setup! u well on your way!
i would think 18/6 would be plenty! maybe try some sort of a dome over the lil seedlings to create some humidity inside. although you wont need a ton of humidity for too much longer i dont think.
hope this helps.


Active Member
Thanks alot guys...Just put them in a dome.I seen alot of people say to keep the lights as close as you can and I also seen that the plants will grow long weak stems cuz there chasing the light. My biggest seedling has a pretty long stem!So I guess I dont put the lights close until later in the grow?


Active Member
Thanks alot guys...Just put them in a dome.I seen alot of people say to keep the lights as close as you can and I also seen that the plants will grow long weak stems cuz there chasing the light. My biggest seedling has a pretty long stem!So I guess I dont put the lights close until later in the grow?
i'd put them close now, and get a small fan on them asap


Active Member
Thanks thetrot.......I just put them in bigger containers with much better soil and im putting the lights real close.Im just going to check on them once a day to make sure there not dried out and let them go. Im going to run 18/6 for a couple weeks see how much they grow and go from there.Here is a pic of the setup for now....Everything look good?????

