Justifying Corporate Salaries in America

This is the third nonsensical question that you’ve directed at me today Foggy. I entertained the first two, but will not indulge you any more. If you’re seeking attention please ask Mrs Fogdog for a reach-around or something. It’s not my job to keep your ego inflated.

In trumps defense he has had some progress. Like, he is the first president to Tweet.....A LOT. Arguably, rhetorically so now. So thats good. That is an obvious path to greatness... or a Great Again Revivalist trap. He's almost there it is truly great!

He is also "allegedly" the first president to be called a " fucking moron" by a self appointed official. However, its very likely just fake news.

He is also the first genius to suggest a wall of sorts is the solution to illegal immigration. Honestly just a modern day Plato.

Is Hillary in prison yet?
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Oh, and btw, gerrymandering refers to district lines being redrawn to favor one party over the other in CONGRESSIONAL races. District lines do not come in to play in presidential races where each state is winner-take-all....you dumb cuck!

If you insist we'll call it an unbalanced jurisdictional distribution of electoral college votes...

Or we could just use the term that people generally understand to mean the above.

This is the problem with you Sanders people, you just always miss the actual point.
says the fucking stein voter in michigan.

if every stein voter in MI, PA, and WI voted hillary trump would be fucking ivanka at one of his shitty hotels right now you stooge.
None of them want to discuss the fact the EC gave Trump the election against the will of the people but claim Bernie was "cheated".

I appreciate the constructive responses thus far. Heil your picture is a really powerful image and provokes a lot of thought.

I respectfully request that those going off topic and starting a pissing match of sorts please refrain. I know it may be wishful thinking, but I would like to see a thread on RIU stay constructive and not get into a chest thumping match. This is about the corporate filth that 99% of Americans are enslaved to in order to literally survive, or have a respectable quality of life.

In response to the cliche comment of : Don't hate the player, hate the game. This is not a game. This is a matter of life and death for MILLIONS OF AMERICANS. More so, hate is not the answer here. Hate is just going to occupy your mental real estate in a self destructive, non-constructive way. This is a matter of humanity. A matter or Right vs. Wrong. Its really about equality in the world of economics. These filthy rich have an obligation to those who facilitate the plethora of wealth.

Top CEO Salaries in America : Are all captains of Tech Giants. All are toted around for the "charitable" actions.

Giving 1-10's of millions of dollars to charity....when you have billions in wealth....is the equivalent of giving a lollipop. Its a drop in the bucket. Sure to not be noticed or missed in the respective bank accounts. And they get the prestige award of being called a humanitarian or a example of charity and anti-greed. RIGHT.

Bill and Melinda Gates for example :

America Population is : 323.1 Million
Bill Gates Net Worth : 82 BILLION

82 Billion divided amoungst 323.1 Million Americans would literally enrich each and every Americans life by ( roughly) 2.538 Million.

I am sure that would usher in change like nothing else in the history of America....but nah, why do that level of good when you can create bullshit foundations that give chump change away so you can look like such a humanitarian....right. Your a evil user of your fellow man. Nothing more.
It is 2.5 thousand if nobody pointed that out yet.
I appreciate the constructive responses thus far. Heil your picture is a really powerful image and provokes a lot of thought.

I respectfully request that those going off topic and starting a pissing match of sorts please refrain. I know it may be wishful thinking, but I would like to see a thread on RIU stay constructive and not get into a chest thumping match. This is about the corporate filth that 99% of Americans are enslaved to in order to literally survive, or have a respectable quality of life.

In response to the cliche comment of : Don't hate the player, hate the game. This is not a game. This is a matter of life and death for MILLIONS OF AMERICANS. More so, hate is not the answer here. Hate is just going to occupy your mental real estate in a self destructive, non-constructive way. This is a matter of humanity. A matter or Right vs. Wrong. Its really about equality in the world of economics. These filthy rich have an obligation to those who facilitate the plethora of wealth.

Top CEO Salaries in America : Are all captains of Tech Giants. All are toted around for the "charitable" actions.

Giving 1-10's of millions of dollars to charity....when you have billions in wealth....is the equivalent of giving a lollipop. Its a drop in the bucket. Sure to not be noticed or missed in the respective bank accounts. And they get the prestige award of being called a humanitarian or a example of charity and anti-greed. RIGHT.

Bill and Melinda Gates for example :

America Population is : 323.1 Million
Bill Gates Net Worth : 82 BILLION

82 Billion divided amoungst 323.1 Million Americans would literally enrich each and every Americans life by ( roughly) 2.538 Million.

I am sure that would usher in change like nothing else in the history of America....but nah, why do that level of good when you can create bullshit foundations that give chump change away so you can look like such a humanitarian....right. Your a evil user of your fellow man. Nothing more.
That was my 'cliche comment'and I do wish you would reflect on what I said a little more, because you missed the point.

Walmart and the rest work within the regulatory environment of the country's laws. They also work to game the system by lobbying and influencing politicians to make less and regulations that favor them and hurt their employees.

Hating Walmart is therefore pointless and frankly a bit stupid. Instead, work to change the corrupt system they can take advantage of, which was the thrust of the rest of my comment.
You should. These very issues effect minorities to a greater degree than you and I.
So you're saying that both parties are the same in regards to the way minorities are affected? How dumb are you? Why don't you ask a Dreamer or someone with family in the Middle East if they're different? You make some really absurd comments. It must be nice to not have much to worry about from a Trump presidency.

For the record I'll let you in on a secret, there's a site called kinguin.net and you can get a copy of Windows 10 Pro (legit OEM copy) for about $30 :D

I've been running it for about a year and a half on my new build and no key issues, 100% valid.
is that for the cd or just key