just wondering


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's possible! i always heard that the 2 root systems would fuck each other up
You heard wrong, I currently have a 25ltr hempy bucket with 4 girls 7 weeks into flower and they are ALL great and almost identical in every way.

As for grafting; I have grafted a female immature bud onto a male plant successfully to obtain seeds with both plants genetics without compromising the rest of the female crop. You dont get a mutation or anything as both parts of the plant have their own genetics which stay the same, the bud in question would just draw its nutes and water from a new set of roots thats all!


Well-Known Member
pretty sure you can. i have read other treads about graffing weed. just keep researching, you find something. good luck it sounds interesting.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
You heard wrong, I currently have a 25ltr hempy bucket with 4 girls 7 weeks into flower and they are ALL great and almost identical in every way.

As for grafting; I have grafted a female immature bud onto a male plant successfully to obtain seeds with both plants genetics without compromising the rest of the female crop. You dont get a mutation or anything as both parts of the plant have their own genetics which stay the same, the bud in question would just draw its nutes and water from a new set of roots thats all!
very very interesting. this im sure is a dumb ? but did that bud seed up and if so is that the seeds you are looking for in the way of a diffrent strain.


Well-Known Member
It is still just a mixture of the 2 strains that I had, I could have just brushed some pollen on a bud and got the same result. The fact is I dont want pollen in my grow room and my male was in a different property. Grafting is used extensively by fruit growers and has been for 1000's of years. The Romans did it a lot.


Well-Known Member
I know this isnt the question but the nonsense everybody quotes as gospel about 2 plants killing each other off is pure bs,this is where repeating things that people have "heard" is not helpfull to people who really need answers,so much is repeated as fact by those who have never even tried the thing they say cant/shouldnt be done, it does not paint an accurate picture of a plants needs & keeps the bs myths floating around being perpetually repeated as fact.

I plant multiple plants in a single container all the time when i cut too many clones,instead of tossing them out i plant them,ive had as many as 5 plants in a single 3 gallon pot & grew them all the way through harvest,ive had 2 plants per pot in 3.5 quart pots where the yeilds off each plant were right on par with my single plant per 3.5 quart container plants.

And yes you can graft/splice but it does nothing for making a new strain.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I know this isnt the question but the nonsense everybody quotes as gospel about 2 plants killing each other off is pure bs,this is where repeating things that people have "heard" is not helpfull to people who really need answers,so much is repeated as fact by those who have never even tried the thing they say cant/shouldnt be done, it does not paint an accurate picture of a plants needs & keeps the bs myths floating around being perpetually repeated as fact.

I plant multiple plants in a single container all the time when i cut too many clones,instead of tossing them out i plant them,ive had as many as 5 plants in a single 3 gallon pot & grew them all the way through harvest,ive had 2 plants per pot in 3.5 quart pots where the yeilds off each plant were right on par with my single plant per 3.5 quart container plants.

And yes you can graft/splice but it does nothing for making a new strain.
i agree im bad please don't groud me off my keybord. it won't happen again. lol:sad: