Just when I thought....what if I???????????

So just when I thought my durbanpoison was ready she throws new pistols at me :( So what if I chop her now? Would I suffer that bad? I also have skunk growing and I took a branch off her last week..the high as been ok from her but I smoked a blunt to myself last nite and got super baked! So is chopping now that bad? Also shud I chope the top half and let the bottom go a bit longer????



Active Member
It looks almost ready. I'd give it another few days, flush her, wait till the leafs start to yellow a little bit.
Oh yea a few specs.....cfl soil gtow....6 -100 watt equiv and 3-150 watt equiv cfls....on 3 plants... week 9 of flower day 60 of flower..leaves hav startes yellowing quite a bit and I have already startes flushn abt 1 1/2 weeks now... biothrive general organics was all I was giving her when I was using nutes 2-4-4


Well-Known Member
Will I suffer though?
We're not talking about amputating a limb :mrgreen: Check the trichs, if they are around 20% amber and the rest pretty much cloudy, then chop 'em! You won't suffer :eyesmoke: At least not any longer than it takes to dry, cure and smoke some :joint:

Good luck, them colas are friggin PHAT!

R2T :peace:


Well-Known Member
You won't suffer.

I would personally chop, dry, and prep for cure.

Without checking trichs with a scope, that's just my estimation, but looking at pics, it looks about ready. At most, a week off.



Well-Known Member
That's a derivative of Jack Herer, and I know for fact that you'll have to be careful in your drying/curing.

Because the calyxs are so fat and the bud so tight, you need to ensure it gets a good dry before you bottle it.

Dark, cool place if possible, and bend the stem that holds the bud together so it gets air as much as possible.

You don't want mold inside of the large bud you cut.

What I think I eill do becuz my ladies are abt to go to sleep in 30 min ill wait until tomorrow to check everything out one last time before I make a final decision. ..wish me luck...I hope you guys are on here in the morn for a update