Just want to make sure this works.


Active Member
I'm looking to build two grow cabs probably 3x3x9 or around that big. My question is how to vent this room? I want to just save money and use a large duct booster fan, they generate quite a bit of CFM if you get a larger one such as 6 inches. My question is, will it be sufficient, I think it will, some are rated at 160 Free air CFM which is more than enough to exchange the air in the room every five minutes.

I guess my question would be how to put this to use? I plan on cutting a hole on the upper side of the box and attaching ducting to it leading into the room, and exhausting that air out through a carbon filter....does that sound legit or am I a moron? I am trying to save a few bucks here and not have to buy a Valuline or Vortex fan, so any input would help :)