Just transplanted my germed seeds into soil last night.....


Well-Known Member
I'd say 2-7 days, but some take longer.

Be patient, and don't over water. That's the most common newbie mistake.


Well-Known Member
Zara's right, around 2 days. Most seeds I've ever planted have sprouted 2 days later on average. Some 3, and very few 4.


Well-Known Member
Just popped some myself. They took 2 days. Don't bury them too far. And put the cfl as close as you can without burning the plant when it breaks through.

If they take longer you can always move the dirt so you can see the top of the sprout. Try not to disturb the root. Then push dirt back around when it pops up. Or just water(if needed) the soil should move back around the stem
Its been 24 hours and not a single one has popped up thru the soil... about to soil my self if i dont see anything tomorrow night