Just Took a White Pokeball

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
My come downs are never THAT bad, duno what all the hypes about. Sure they suck but every comedown from any substance sucks


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know how the crash is the next day. Those fucking suck.
It all depends. Each individual is different, if the pill mainly consist of mdma then the crash shouldn't be too hard or nothing at all besides a little headache and being sluggish the next day. If you take some anti-oxidants before the roll and after take some 5-htp and tyrosine then you should be a champ the next day, without no pesty side effects! However, you pop mdma every weekend for several weekends in a whole you'll definitely feel the crash... instead of minor depression for one day you can feel it for 3-4 days.... so keep the magic and at the most roll once a month, tops!

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
It helps not having to worry about shit the next couple days also. If you wake up from a night of rollin and you got a whole lot to deal with, thats just asking for a terrible hangover


Well-Known Member
It helps not having to worry about shit the next couple days also. If you wake up from a night of rollin and you got a whole lot to deal with, thats just asking for a terrible hangover
Certainly... waking up to a hectic 9-5 job wouldn't be the best action. But hell i've done it myriads of times... I coped :)


Well-Known Member
right. its only when ur trippin that time can stand still. after that the bitterness of reality comes rushing back. oh well theres always the next time. haha


Well-Known Member
cant wait for nocturnal =]
Yet another person who resides in Souther Cali.

I would go but after all the stupid fuss involving the local rave scene, I'm a little apprehensive upon attending! I'm going to a underground desert party in October which should be massive... and the good thing is that no security or LE are there :)


Lol, that's what I'm talking about. This is exactly why my lil' bro stopped fucking with MDMA. Yea, when you're rolling you're the happiest mother fucker on the planet. The next day... You're lucky to have motivation to brush your fucking teeth. I hate it.

It's not just me. Me, my girl, and my brothers lay around the house the whole day the next day. Thank god I'm smart enough to make sure I'm off the next day. Well, I'm starting to realize that laying around makes it wrose. It's better off forcing yourself to do something (like work) that way you won't feel like a lazy sack of shit.


It all depends. Each individual is different, if the pill mainly consist of mdma then the crash shouldn't be too hard or nothing at all besides a little headache and being sluggish the next day. If you take some anti-oxidants before the roll and after take some 5-htp and tyrosine then you should be a champ the next day, without no pesty side effects! However, you pop mdma every weekend for several weekends in a whole you'll definitely feel the crash... instead of minor depression for one day you can feel it for 3-4 days.... so keep the magic and at the most roll once a month, tops!

Another thing that sucks is having to take all these OTHER pills just to keep from feeling like fucking shit! I wish there was something that you could take, feel good, and just fucking chill the next day.

I'm fiending for some psycs real bad but I wonder...If the crash off MDMA is like this, I can only imagine what a crash off say, shrooms or lsd will be like. Crashes fucking suck man, yet, my dumb ass still pops beans... I guess it's because it's so easy to get while phycs are fucking impossible to find...
yea dude i know how you feel. I used to live in Arizona where the police would use informants throw raves to bust drug dealers. The informants were former promoters who got in trouble for throwing illegal parties in broken into warehouses or selling drugs.They established a venue named Boo's Warehouse which was the building adjacent to the 4 avenue jail in down town phoenix. The building was setup under a family trust so nobody's name was really on the property. They even made a fake security company which was made up of sheriff's deputies and detention officers. If anybody else threw a rave in town somewhere it would get busted within a few hours but these guys were allowed to throw them. They would throw raves there every weekend and phoenix city police (who hate sheriff joe) would never bust the parties untill they were shown on the news! They shut down the venue when Sheriff Joe came under investigation by the FBI. This definitely shows you how dirty Sheriff Joe Arpio really is!