Just took 300 morning glory seeds, what happens next?


Well-Known Member
something really reeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyy bAD i hope u have a babysitter, ur suposed to boil them down.


Well-Known Member
Did you grow them? Did you do any kind of extraction process? If you bought them in a store, they aren't going to make you trip. 300 would be an alright trip if they were from last years harvest. And no matter what, you'll be vomiting off of MG seeds, though anyone who has indulged in the psychedelic world long enough would know you vomit a lot.


Well-Known Member
Nothing much happened. Around an hour after taking them we started to feel a little something but it was nothing spectacular. Definately not a 'trip'. Our stomachs were a little sick the first half of the next day.
Had we done a little more homework first we definately would have used one of the extraction processes described all over the internet. I will try it again the right way and i'll report what happens then.


Active Member
Did you grow them? Did you do any kind of extraction process? If you bought them in a store, they aren't going to make you trip. 300 would be an alright trip if they were from last years harvest. And no matter what, you'll be vomiting off of MG seeds, though anyone who has indulged in the psychedelic world long enough would know you vomit a lot.
So if I buy MG seeds from the store and extract them, I wont trip?


A realllly fun trip. I ate about 150 morning glory seeds with my cuz about 3 weeks ago and we had a really fun time. It takes about an hour or two to start but once it starts its gooood. I had mild visuals. Im definately gonna try it again at higher dose


And also i don't know why everybody says you throw up cause i didn't get nausaus(spelling) at all. The only problem was the hour before i tripped i had a major stomach cramp but I read up and thats from the chemicals the companies put on them. And I washed them off really well for about 20 minutes


Well-Known Member
try buying hawaiian baby woodrose.
+1. Last night was the first time Ive dabbled with those. Ill make a short report for anyone interested:

9PM: Ground up 5 shelled HBWR seeds (organic from Hawaii) and drank with water. People say eat them on an empty stomach; I didnt.

9:30PM: Stomach beginning to churn a little

10:00PM: Stomach churning slowing down (Never felt like I was remotely close to throwing up)

11:00PM: Can definitely feel something. I want to say I felt drunk but with a light head (better than being drunk)

12:00PM: Still no visuals; watching TV and I just felt like I had to think about life. I just thought about the most random things. Tried laying down to go to sleep but every 10 seconds or so Id jerk awake and keep telling myself I need to remind myself to breathe before I go to sleep. So everytime I tried to fall asleep, I would wake myself up because I wasnt thinking about breathing. Kind of annoying but I eventually fell asleep around 2:30am

I will be trying a dose of 8 seeds tomorrow night and will give another report. If no visuals, I will wait a few more days and take 11 seeds.